A simple to use Jetpack Compose TextField with automatically value transformations and user specific ui transformations. E.g. save temperature in °C, present as °F in ui
Add the library to your module build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'de.charlex.compose.material:material-textfield-unit:1.0.0-rc04'
dependencies {
implementation 'de.charlex.compose.material3:material-textfield3-unit:1.0.0-rc04'
val LocalTemperatureType = compositionLocalOf<Temp.TemperatureType> {
error("LocalTemperature not present")
class Temp(value: Float?, type: TemperatureType = TemperatureType.Celsius) : BaseUnit<Temp.TemperatureType, Float>(value, type) {
enum class TemperatureType(val id: Int, @StringRes override val unit: Int) : UnitType {
Celsius(0, R.string.einheit_celsius),
Fahrenheit(1, R.string.einheit_fahrenheit)
override fun convertTo(targetType: TemperatureType): Temp {
if (targetType == type) return this
val celsius = when (type) {
TemperatureType.Celsius -> value
TemperatureType.Fahrenheit -> value?.let { Umrechnungen.convertFarToCel(value) }
val newValue = when (targetType) {
TemperatureType.Celsius -> celsius?.round(1)
TemperatureType.Fahrenheit -> celsius?.let { Umrechnungen.convertCelToFar(celsius) }?.round(1)
return Temp(newValue, targetType)
override fun getCurrentUnitType(): TemperatureType {
return LocalTemperatureType.current
override val defaultSaveTargetType: TemperatureType
get() = TemperatureType.Celsius
override fun with(value: Float?, type: TemperatureType): IUnit<TemperatureType, Float> = Temp(value, type)
override fun compareTo(other: IUnit<TemperatureType, Float>): Int {
return compareValues(value, other.value)
override fun compareTo(value: Float): Int {
return compareValues(this.value, value)
* Create a [Temp] using an [Int]:
* val left = 10
* val x = left.temp
* // -- or --
* val y = 10.temp
inline val Int?.temp: Temp
get() = Temp(value = this?.takeIf { it != -1 }?.toFloat())
* Create a [Temp] using a [Double]:
* val left = 10.0
* val x = left.temp
* // -- or --
* val y = 10.0.temp
inline val Double?.temp: Temp
get() = Temp(value = this?.takeIf { it != -1.0 }?.toFloat())
* Create a [Temp] using a [Float]:
* val left = 10f
* val x = left.temp
* // -- or --
* val y = 10f.temp
inline val Float?.temp: Temp
get() = Temp(value = this?.takeIf { it != -1f })
* temperatureFromViewModel is always celsius
val temperatureFromViewModel: Float? by remember { mutableStateOf(5f) }
* The provided LocalTemperatureType could be changed with settings from DataStore
LocalTemperatureType provides Temp.TemperatureType.Fahrenheit,
LocalUiFormatPattern provides "#.#####",
) {
* The user will see the fahrenheit value of the variable temperatureFromViewModel
label = {
Text(text = "Temperature")
unitedValue = temperatureFromViewModel.temp,
onValueChange = { value ->
* The user input will automatically be transformed back to celsius
temperatureFromViewModel = value
valueRepresentation = DefaultValueRepresentation(
float = {
it?.let { it.uiFormat("#.#") } ?: ""
That's it!
Copyright 2023 Alexander Karkossa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.