A PowerShell module with AWS helper cmdlets for AWS EC2, SSM and Polly and Route53
To install the this module using PowerShell 5 or higher use the following command:
Install-Module CMAWS
Makes it possible to take one or more text files and run them through Amazon's Polly service to produce output audio files or just play it directly.
Get all EC2 instances in multiple regions
Easily create new on-demand or spot instances with minimal input while updating DNS hostnames for them in Route 53 as well. Supports Windows and Linux instances.
Very quickly gets common the latest Windows and Linux AMIS
A password generator capabible of creating easy passwords like Kaju1543 (Like Office365) with the -Easy Parameter
Get the EC2 On demand Price for Windows Instances (No SQL). Will expand to Linux and SQL.
Created by Sinisa Mikasinovic - six@mypowershell.space. Creates and Updates Route53 resource records
Stops and Instance, Changes the Instance Type and Starts it again and re-registers the new IP with R53 again if a DNS Name is provided
Sends PowerShell script to a SSM Managed Instance waits for execution and brings the result to the console.
Connects to Remote Desktop
Gets Parameters of a CloudFormation template and outputs them as a hashtable to use with New-CFNStack
Gets the Current and Forecasted AWS Spend