This project contains implementation of a custom log publisher which prints session information to AUDIT log file
Clone the repository
Build the source code with maven (mvn clean install)
Copy the jar file created in /target directory to IS_HOME/repository/components/dropins directory
Enable the event publisher in IS_HOME/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml file
<EventListener type="org.wso2.carbon.identity.core.handler.AbstractIdentityMessageHandler" name="datapublisher.impl.CustomAuditLogger" orderId="11" enable="true"/>
Restart the WSO2 Identity Server
Now enable SSO for an application as mentioned in below documentation (WSO2 IS documentation)[]
When you log into the application as mentioned in the above documentation, you will see a log entry within the IS_HOME/repository/logs/audit.log file similar to below text.
[2018-09-25 16:39:57,646] INFO {AUDIT_LOG}- Logging from custom logger - SessionID created :1031ee5a85ec54112991a2201619eaa6e449a1d03408cdb82739eb9a6ef0e744 for user :
[2018-09-25 16:40:06,268] INFO {AUDIT_LOG}- Logging from custom logger - SessionID terminated :1031ee5a85ec54112991a2201619eaa6e449a1d03408cdb82739eb9a6ef0e744 for user :