The AI powered helper for your family
Make sure you install the VSCode python extension along with Pylint. It will probably prompt you to do it once you open
This will set up your virtual environment where your python deps will get installed
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Then install all dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the app
uvicorn main:app --reload
This will kick off the FastAPI app and you should get a prompt on how to open it in a new browser tab. Codespaces will pick that for you.
If Pylint complains about unable to find imports, you might need to make sure vscode is using the pylint installed with the virtual environment and not the default one. Found instructions here. To do this:
- Hit "ctrl" + ","
- Search for "pylint import"
- Change dropdpwn to "fromEnvironment"
- Click on the Codespaces icon in the bottom left and click "Rebuild Container"