🖥️ Backend engineer
- JAVA, Kotlin, Spring (plain, boot)
- Distributed database (application-aware, routing-layer)
- Messaging system (Apache Kafka w. spring-kafka, spring-cloud-stream-kafka)
- Opensource contributions in spring-projects, spring-cloud, naver
Plasma (2021/05 ~): NaverPay system re-architecturing TF
- Order (2022/10 ~)
- Re-design event publishing system that propagates domain events to outside.
- Switch from a single database to a distributed database for write operations.
- Settlement (2021/05 ~ 2022/09)
- Switch batch processing into event processing of 'settlement per case'
- Develop batch processing of 'daily settlement'
- Order (2022/10 ~)
Knowledge iN / eXpert (2018/03 ~ 2021/04)
- Re-design internal notification architecture.
- Develop features for releasing eXpert service
- notification, review, feedback, profile, ...
- Knowledge iN
- Release - PC End page renewal, CHOiCE
- Sustain - Enhancing internal data manipulator, introducing circuit breaker, ChatOps, ...
Statistics system for roulette prize in NAVER Corp.
Department of Software and Computer Engineering at Ajou University, Bachelor's degree (2012 ~ 2018)