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Deucalion Model Latin ENC - LASLA

Lien Docker


  • D. Longrée, C. Philippart de Foy & G. Purnelle. « Structures phrastiques et analyse automatique des données morphosyntaxiques : le projet LatSynt », in S. Bolasco, I. Chiari & L. Giuliano (eds), Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Proceedings of 10th International Conference Journées d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, 9-11 June 2010, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, LED, pp. 433-442.
  • D. Longrée & C. Poudat, « New Ways of Lemmatizing and Tagging Classical and post-Classical Latin: the LATLEM project of the LASLA », in P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner (éd.), Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft), Innsbruck, 2010, pp. 683-694.
  • D. Longrée & C. Philippart de Foy & G. Purnelle, « Subordinate clause boundaries and word order in Latin: the contribution of the L.A.S.L.A. syntactic parser project LatSynt », in P. Anreiter & M. Kienpointner, éd.), Proceedings of the 15th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft), Innsbruck, 2010, pp. 673-681.
  • D. Longrée & Poudat C., « Variations langagières et annotation morphosyntaxique du latin classique », TAL, 50 – n° 2/2009, Special issue on "Natural Language Processing and Ancient Languages", pp. 129-148.
  • Enrique Manjavacas & Mike Kestemont. (2019, January 17). emanjavacas/pie v0.1.3 (Version v0.1.3). Zenodo. Check the latest version here :Zenodo DOI
  • Thibault Clérice. (2019, February 1). chartes/deucalion-model-lasla: LASLA Latin Lemmatizer - Alpha (Version 0.0.1). Zenodo. Check the latest version here :Zenodo DOI

The web application and its maintenance is done by Thibault Clérice ( @ponteineptique ). To learn how to cite this repository, go check our releases.

Information about the model


The model is based on the LASLA data.

For more details about the errors, see the information folder.


Locally, without docker:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pie-extended download lasla # Downloads the model
pie-extended install-addons lasla # Install required addons

then run with python

With docker

To run, you'll need to install Docker. Then, you can simply run the following commands:

docker pull ponteineptique/deucalion-model-lasla:latest

or build locally from source (much longer, more freedom in changing some code source):

docker build -t deucalion-lasla:latest .
docker run -p 5001:5000 deucalion-lasla:latest

You can replace 5001 with any port you want to run the service on.

Then, simply go to or directly to or post any data to the same URI with data parameters containing your plain text.