Moon tracker SD&D Project
To get the source, you can either git clone or just download the zip file and extract it somewhere.
git clone
cd MoonTracker
First you'll need Python 3, pip, and SQLite, if you don't have them already.
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
It's recommended you build the application from a virtual environment, to ensure the Python packages used for the project are isolated from the rest of the system, to avoid version conflicts. You can skip this step if you're fine with overwriting the versions of any packages you already have that the application uses.
To prevent the virtual environment from interfering with the project, it's recommended you store the virtual environment somewhere outside of the project root directory, such as ~/envs/MoonTracker-env
sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv ~/envs/MoonTracker-env
Then, whenever you want to work on the project, source to wherever you're virtual environment is.
source ~/envs/MoonTracker-env/bin/activate
You can automatically install all of the Python packages used by the project with pip and the requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The application requires API keys for Twilio and Recaptcha. Create an file under the moontracker folder, and add the API keys formatted as follows.
twilio_sid = <twilio_sid>
twilio_auth = <twilio_auth>
recaptcha_public = <recaptcha_public>
recaptcha_private = <recaptcha_private>
Run using the following command.
Python code should follow PEP 8 style guide found at and PEP 257 docstring conventions found at