A Buildstream project that bootstraps Gentoo stage1 images. The image is based on Freedesktop SDK, which rooted in live-bootstrap.
There are two end elements:
- stage1-image.bst: The stage1 image built by this project
- catalyst-docker.bst: A docker image built by this project that runs catalyst, which can be used to build stage2/stage3 images.
The build sequence illustrated:
flowchart TD
stage1(stage1) --> gentoo_bootstrap[gentoo-bootstrap] --> sdk[freedesktop-sdk] --> binary_seed[freedesktop-sdk-binary-seed] --> live_bootstrap(live-bootstrap)
sdk_docker[freedesktop-sdk-docker-images] --> sdk
stage1 --> sdk_docker
catalyst_docker(catalyst-docker) --> stage1
catalyst_docker --> sdk_docker
stage2(stage2) --> stage1
stage2 --> catalyst_docker
stage3(stage3) --> stage2
stage3 --> catalyst_docker
The build sequence is manifested in the Makefile.
It is expected to run on an x86_64 host for now. You need to set up riscv64/loongarch64 qemu-binfmt to build images for these ISA's.