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Proteins have different family types, this modal determine a protein's family type based on sequence. Inspired by search engines such as BLAST which has this capability, but it want to try out and see if a machine learning approach can do a good job in classifying a protein's family based on the protein sequence.

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Classifying a protein's family based on the protein sequence.

  1. Import Dataset

Before running this model you must dowload the relevant datset DATA_SET

This is a protein data set retrieved from Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank (PDB).

The PDB archive is a repository of atomic coordinates and other information describing proteins and other important biological macromolecules. Structural biologists use methods such as X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy to determine the location of each atom relative to each other in the molecule. They then deposit this information, which is then annotated and publicly released into the archive by the wwPDB.

The constantly-growing PDB is a reflection of the research that is happening in laboratories across the world. This can make it both exciting and challenging to use the database in research and education. Structures are available for many of the proteins and nucleic acids involved in the central processes of life, so you can go to the PDB archive to find structures for ribosomes, oncogenes, drug targets, and even whole viruses. However, it can be a challenge to find the information that you need, since the PDB archives so many different structures. You will often find multiple structures for a given molecule, or partial structures, or structures that have been modified or inactivated from their native form.

There are two data files. Both are arranged on "structureId" of the protein:

pdb_data_no_dups.csv contains protein meta data which includes details on protein classification, extraction methods, etc.

data_seq.csv contains >400,000 protein structure sequences.

Original Dataset can be dowloaded from RCSB-PDB

  1. Filter and Process Data

I found out that its better use CountVectorizer -- a feature extractor that is usually used with NLP machine learning models. The data is loaded into two seperate pandas dataframes and filtering ( filtering the datasets where the classification is equal to 'Protein', followed by removing all other variables other than structureId and sequence for the data_seq_csv, and structureId and classification in the no_dups dataset. ), projection, and a join is performed to get the data together.

Since the data-set appears to be a wide distribution of counts for family types filter it out for having a certain amount of recordes that are of a specific family type.Filter out for 1,000 family types that will allow a machine learning model to learn a pattern for a specific class.

  1. Train Test Split

After filtering the dataset, a split on the data to create a training and testing set must be performed. After splitting the data, utilize the CountVectorizer to create a dictionary composed from the training dataset and it will extract individual characters or subsets of characters to gain features.

  1. Machine Learning Models

Multinomial Naive Bayes approach works well for these types of count vectorized features. Adaboost was also used but the it appears that Naive Bayes model does better in classification than Adaboost model.

  1. Visualize Metrics

A visualization of a confusion matrix and a clasification report for the Navie Bayes prediction shows that the label index 3 being misclassified as index 38 quite a bit. Based on the names listed below, it makes sense for these two to be confused.


The relavent classification report :

FIELD1 precision recall f1-score support
HYDROLASE 0.518957345971564 0.7906137184115524 0.626609442060086 277.0
TRANSFERASE 0.6575342465753424 0.8571428571428571 0.7441860465116279 224.0
OXIDOREDUCTASE 0.7 0.7957166392092258 0.7447956823438704 607.0
IMMUNE SYSTEM 0.6691729323308271 0.6926070038910506 0.6806883365200764 514.0
LYASE 0.8985115020297699 0.7830188679245284 0.8367989918084435 848.0
HYDROLASE/HYDROLASE INHIBITOR 0.6461038961038961 0.868995633187773 0.7411545623836127 229.0
TRANSCRIPTION 0.6381578947368421 0.8151260504201681 0.7158671586715868 357.0
VIRAL PROTEIN 0.7253731343283583 0.7653543307086614 0.7448275862068966 635.0
TRANSPORT PROTEIN 0.5855513307984791 0.7427652733118971 0.6548547129695252 622.0
VIRUS 0.9061032863849765 0.9747474747474747 0.9391727493917273 198.0
SIGNALING PROTEIN 0.6988636363636364 0.8065573770491803 0.7488584474885844 305.0
ISOMERASE 0.5135135135135135 0.9712460063897763 0.6718232044198895 313.0
LIGASE 0.7880280148829065 0.7703252032520326 0.7790760575570702 9348.0
MEMBRANE PROTEIN 0.6617368221463784 0.7790178571428571 0.7156038548287881 2240.0
PROTEIN BINDING 0.8758265980896399 0.7534766118836915 0.8100577641862046 3164.0
STRUCTURAL PROTEIN 0.9352580927384077 0.8712306438467807 0.9021097046413503 1227.0
CHAPERONE 0.8778625954198473 0.8017928286852589 0.838105153565851 1004.0
STRUCTURAL GENOMICS, UNKNOWN FUNCTION 0.9391381608174145 0.8775425487754255 0.9072961373390559 2409.0
SUGAR BINDING PROTEIN 0.715922107674685 0.6243756243756243 0.6670224119530417 1001.0
DNA BINDING PROTEIN 0.7068403908794788 0.7045454545454546 0.7056910569105692 616.0
PHOTOSYNTHESIS 0.6545454545454545 0.7659574468085106 0.7058823529411765 235.0
ELECTRON TRANSPORT 0.5264900662251656 0.6186770428015564 0.5688729874776386 257.0
TRANSFERASE/TRANSFERASE INHIBITOR 0.9338726697150896 0.7858517093384638 0.8534919231696536 6757.0
METAL BINDING PROTEIN 0.3359683794466403 0.8823529411764706 0.4866412213740458 289.0
CELL ADHESION 0.7609001406469761 0.9031719532554258 0.8259541984732826 599.0
UNKNOWN FUNCTION 0.5549242424242424 0.6116910229645094 0.5819265143992055 958.0
PROTEIN TRANSPORT 0.7785467128027682 0.9336099585062241 0.8490566037735849 241.0
TOXIN 0.6704730831973899 0.7611111111111111 0.7129228100607112 540.0
CELL CYCLE 0.5981651376146789 0.8402061855670103 0.6988210075026795 388.0
RNA BINDING PROTEIN 0.7527985074626866 0.6289945440374123 0.6853503184713375 1283.0
DE NOVO PROTEIN 0.48513986013986016 0.7939914163090128 0.6022788931090614 699.0
HORMONE 0.8269841269841269 0.5947488584474886 0.6918990703851262 876.0
GENE REGULATION 0.8441926345609065 0.8882265275707899 0.8656499636891795 671.0
OXIDOREDUCTASE/OXIDOREDUCTASE INHIBITOR 0.7779816513761468 0.8514056224899599 0.8130393096836052 498.0
APOPTOSIS 0.8232258064516129 0.7160493827160493 0.765906362545018 1782.0
MOTOR PROTEIN 0.7815620298180823 0.7838134430727023 0.7826861173892198 7290.0
PROTEIN FIBRIL 0.3458646616541353 0.7796610169491526 0.4791666666666667 590.0
METAL TRANSPORT 0.772093023255814 0.8258706467661692 0.7980769230769231 201.0
VIRAL PROTEIN/IMMUNE SYSTEM 0.8602878916172735 0.6065671641791045 0.711484593837535 1675.0
CONTRACTILE PROTEIN 0.720292504570384 0.7490494296577946 0.7343895619757689 526.0
FLUORESCENT PROTEIN 0.8908396946564886 0.6634451392836839 0.7605083088954057 1759.0
TRANSLATION 0.4212218649517685 0.6121495327102804 0.4990476190476191 214.0
BIOSYNTHETIC PROTEIN 0.8675149700598802 0.886085626911315 0.8767019667170952 1308.0
accuracy 0.7682970559759027 0.7682970559759027 0.7682970559759027 0.7682970559759027
macro avg 0.7126125724642683 0.7797415285472434 0.7331245199167302 55774.0
weighted avg 0.7929027805102244 0.7682970559759027 0.7741092058773669 55774.0
  1. Reasons for Model Error :

Proteins in general can be a type of enzyme, or a signaling protein, structural, and various other choices. A lof of proteins tend to share very similar characteristics, as some proteins are meant to bind in similar regions as others. For example, a Hydrolase enzyme and a Hydrolase inhibitor protein are going to have similar structures as they will target very similar areas. This is reflected in the confusion matrix and heat map. Gene regulator proteins will have a similarity to RNA binding proteins, DNA binding proteins, as well as transcription proteins. The biggest thing to note as well, as the model only uses features of 4 amino acids at most. The possibility of utilizing amino acids of higher degree in theory should be able to create an even higher accuracy.

  1. Future Work :

There is definitely room for improvement for the model. Utilizing factors such as pH, molecular weight, and other components may be able to yield more information on family group. Furthermore, if possible, increase the length of the ngram_range to include more than just 4 characters to allow for higher interaction between the amino acids as reflected in reality

This modal was build for academic purpose - DNASeq - Protein Sequence Classifier Copyright (C) 2023 Chethiya Galkaduwa


Proteins have different family types, this modal determine a protein's family type based on sequence. Inspired by search engines such as BLAST which has this capability, but it want to try out and see if a machine learning approach can do a good job in classifying a protein's family based on the protein sequence.





