Automated & Integrated Deployment Tools for cPanel.
- Create a preview & stagging Url, hosted on your cPanel account.
- Create a deployment to your production environment when you Merge the git.
We utilize your cPanel hosting account to be your automated preview and stagging hosting whenever you make a PR, or push the commits to a certain branch. This means you can always find any hosting provider that suites your need to be used as your preview site without affecting your production.
Essentially, this is like (cough)Ntlify(cough)*, but it hosted in your cPanel account.
- Domain, one subdomain that have wilcardly directed to your cPanel instance. (e.g
)- Essentially this means your account have to have the ability to add, edit, remove domains. (for now)
- DNS Zone Edit permission
- Database, with ability to create and delete the database.
- Enough disk to host your repo.
- GitHub / GitLab integration (meaning the vendor have to create a GitHub / GitLab Apps, get the consumer tokens and secrets registered to the system)
- Uninterrupted Internet connection to GitHub / GitLab.
- This project's system requirements.
- Phase 1
- Autodeploy when MR/PR is created.
- Autopull on commit push (should we use git functionality from cPanel?)
- Bot that give comments containing the url
- Phase 2 (still in research, this might change with no notice)
- Dynamic DNS (use single wildcard domain, root folder change done in
) - Instance cap limit
- Max active instance
- Stale instance removal
- Dynamic DNS (use single wildcard domain, root folder change done in