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12.5.2017 Meeting Agenda and Notes

Camper edited this page Dec 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

The meeting will start at 9pm EST in Slack.


About the Process

About the Site

  • Is some API needed? Do we need to find it?
  • Plan the general layout of the project. It is crucial to identify the most basic and important tasks — that is a must
  • Divide the tasks among the team
  • Set soft due dates
  • Schedule next meeting

Meeting Minutes (Notes)

@miraclmoore, @shalinidc, and @camper-fcc were present.

Everyone present agreed with the project:

  • *Clone * - It's a WordPress site. I think it would be interesting (and challenging) to clone this site in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with or without frameworks.

We decided to have a standup 5 times a week, Mon-Fri. We'll answer these three questions:

  • What I did today?
  • What I’m working on tomorrow?
  • Is there anything blocking my path? (ex. I need to lear x, I don’t understand y)

@Willa will do standups when possible and on weekends as needed.

@Willa present at about 9:30pm. @Willa started a new job and will work on the project mostly on weekends and weekdays when possible.

Decided to use GitHub Projects and Issues for our project management.

@Willa left at about 9:45pm.

We agreed on the following stack, given our understanding of the cloning project as of this meeting:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
    • Flexbox
    • Grid
    • Bootstrap (if needed)
  • JavaScript
    • jQuery (if needed)

@miraclmoore: I feel comfortable using HTML and CSS. What i don't know i'm sure I can find using MDN. As far as JS goes i'm really new and that is definitely my weak point.

@shalinidc: On a scale of 5 below is my expertise ratings. I can easily up skill more on this & also learn flexbox and grid. HTML5: 4 CSS3 Flexbox: 0 Grid: 0 Bootstrap (if needed): 3 JavaScript:2 jQuery (if needed): 3

@camper-fcc: I don't know JavaScript too well, but have coded a few things in it so far. I'm well-versed in HTML5 and most CSS3 (still have a lot to learn on these), I can do Flexbox relatively well and haven't used Grid yet. I'm not too familiar with Bootstrap but can learn it quickly if needed. I don't have too much knowledge on jQuery yet.

@miraclmoore, @shalinidc, and @camper-fcc agreed with the following coding standards and that we'd change them as needed:


  • Large sections are separated with a comment formatted like this: <!--SECTION NAME, BUILT BY NAME-->
  • Small chunks of code within sections are separated with a comment formatted like this: <!--short name-->
  • Id names are simple and short. Long id names are formatted like this: <div id="long-id-name"></div>
  • Class names are simple and short. Long class names are formatted like this: <div class="long-class-name"></div>
  • All styles must be in the CSS file. No inline styles or <style> tag in the HTML file.
  • All JS must be in the JS file. No scripts in the HTML file.


  • Id selectors are only used for JS. Never use an id selector for CSS styles.
  • Class selectors are used for CSS styles.


  • Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) code as often as possible
  • Variable, Function, Class, etc... names should be as semantic as possible.
    • DON'T DO: for (let i=...) {}; or let s=...
    • DO: for (let styleIndex=...){}; or let styleFinder=...

@miraclmoore, @shalinidc, and @camper-fcc agreed on the overall goals and expectations of our team:

Our team goal is to clone the Elevationweb site and help each other learn. Our expectation is that each of us will submit a daily (M-F) standup (initially) and maintain a general understanding and desire to help one another through this process.

@miraclmoore, @shalinidc were granted read, clone, and push access to the GitHub repo.

@miraclmoore, @shalinidc, and @camper-fcc agreed on the following Git/GitHub process:

We will host the site from the master branch. All pull requests will be merged into the staging branch and once it's determined that the changes are successful, with no additional bugs (through manual testing), the project manager will merge from the staging branch to the master branch for publication.

Each person's work will be done in their own fork and in a separate branch.

@camper-fcc will work with @miraclmoore to maintain the pull requests (approving and merging).

@shalinidc has finals until the 15th and will be more active after that point.

We agreed to start coding for our first sprint, Wednesday (Dec. 6) and ending this Friday (Dec. 9). @miraclmoore will start building the HTML markup for the body, @camper-fcc will start building the HTML markup for the header, and @shalinidc will start the HTML markup for the footer.

Our next meeting will be Monday (Dec. 11) at 9pm EST in Slack.