- Date: 31-Jan-2015
- Async JavaScript APIs
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Flow control with promises
- Q.js
- Understand the basics of Gradle
- Overview of tasks, dependencies and how to use them
- Example showing how to build Simple Java projects using Gradle
- Advance example showing how to build Simple Web applications using Gradle
- Overview and history of linux shell
- Start swimming in the waters directly with 'man'
- About home (~) and profile (.bash_rc, .bash_profile etc)
- Aliasing
- I/O redirection with >, >>, 1>, 1>>, 2>, 2>>, &>, 1>&2, 2>&1, 0<, <
- navingating files with more and less pagers
- adding jobs in background with &, bg and fg
- scheduling tasks with cron
- some very basic command
- chmod and chown
- basic text editing commands and tools
- networking commands
- What is MongoDB
- What and whys of Indexing
- Types of Indexes
- Indexing Gotchas, Duplicate, slow indexes
- What and Why of Acceptance Testing
- What is Node.js
- What is CasperJS and how it can be used to write end to end functional tests
- Demo where we automate Simple TodoMVC app implemented in AngularJS (http://todomvc.com/architecture-examples/angularjs/#/)