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Chisel Linting Framework (#2435)
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* Added Linting Library, with lint rules for anonymous registers and auto-truncation of widths during connection

* Updated makefiles to enable running linting via CHISEL_OPTIONS
  • Loading branch information
azidar authored May 6, 2020
1 parent f1037ef commit 0d71c69
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Showing 10 changed files with 468 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion emulator/Makefrag-verilator
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ verilog = \

$(generated_dir)/%.fir $(generated_dir)/%.d: $(FIRRTL_JAR) $(chisel_srcs) $(bootrom_img)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
cd $(base_dir) && $(SBT) "runMain $(PROJECT).Generator -td $(generated_dir) -T $(PROJECT).$(MODEL) -C $(CONFIG)"
cd $(base_dir) && $(SBT) "runMain $(PROJECT).Generator -td $(generated_dir) -T $(PROJECT).$(MODEL) -C $(CONFIG) $(CHISEL_OPTIONS)"

%.v %.conf: %.fir $(FIRRTL_JAR)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
Expand All @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ $(generated_dir)/%.fir $(generated_dir)/%.d: $(FIRRTL_JAR) $(chisel_srcs) $(boot
-faf $*.anno.json \
-td $(generated_dir)/$(long_name)/ \
-fct $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(FIRRTL_TRANSFORMS)) \

$(generated_dir)/$(long_name).behav_srams.v : $(generated_dir)/$(long_name).conf $(VLSI_MEM_GEN)
cd $(generated_dir) && \
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/LintAnnotation.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting

import{Info, FileInfo}
import firrtl.annotations.NoTargetAnnotation
import chisel3.experimental.ChiselAnnotation

/** Parent trait for all linting annotations */
trait LintAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation with ChiselAnnotation {
override def toFirrtl = this

/** Represents a linting violation under a given linter rule */
case class Violation(linter: rule.LintRule, info: Info, message: String, modules: Set[String]) extends LintAnnotation {
def getScalaFiles: Seq[String] = {
val scala = "(.*\\.scala).*".r
rule.flatten(info).flatMap {
case f: FileInfo => match {
case scala(file) => Some(file)
case other => None
case other => None

/** A list of files to ignore lint violations on, for a given lint rule */
case class Whitelist(lintName: String, whiteList: Set[String]) extends LintAnnotation

/** A container of lint rule violation display options */
case class DisplayOptions(
level: String = "strict",
totalLimit: Option[Int] = None,
perErrorLimit: Map[String, Int] = Map.empty
) extends LintAnnotation
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/LintException.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting

import firrtl.FirrtlUserException

/** Thrown to report all linting rule violations, according to the display options */
case class LintException(seq: Seq[Violation], lintDisplayOptions: DisplayOptions) extends FirrtlUserException(
LintException.buildMessage(seq, lintDisplayOptions)

object LintException {
private def makeNumber(max: Int, n: Int, prefix: String): String = {
val nDigits = max.toString.size
val nLeading = nDigits - n.toString.size
prefix * nLeading + n.toString

private[linting] def buildMessage(seq: Seq[Violation], lintDisplayOptions: DisplayOptions): String = {
val groupedErrors = seq.groupBy {
case l: Violation => l.linter.lintName
val maxErrorNumber = groupedErrors.keys.max

val (_, reports) = groupedErrors.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).reverse.foldRight((0, Seq.empty[String])) {
case ((lintName: String, lintErrors: Seq[Violation]), (totalErrors: Int, reportsSoFar: Seq[String])) =>
val le = lintErrors.head.linter
val perErrorLimit = lintDisplayOptions.perErrorLimit.getOrElse(lintName, lintErrors.size)
val totalErrorLimit = => t - totalErrors).getOrElse(perErrorLimit)
val remainingErrorLimit = totalErrorLimit.min(perErrorLimit)
val scalaFiles = lintErrors.flatMap(_.getScalaFiles).distinct
val lintString = lintName
val header =
|Lint rule ${le.lintName}: ${lintErrors.size} exceptions!
| - Recommended fix:
| ${le.recommendedFix}
| - Whitelist file via Chisel cmdline arg:
| ${le.whitelistAPI(scalaFiles)}
| - Whitelist file via Chisel scala API:
| ${le.scalaAPI(scalaFiles)}
| - Disable this linting check:
| ${le.disableCLI}
| - Modify display settings with:
| --lint-options ...,display:${lintName}=<number>,...

val errors = to remainingErrorLimit).map {
case (lint: Violation, idx: Int) =>
s"$lintString.${makeNumber(remainingErrorLimit.min(lintErrors.size),idx,"0")}:${} ${lint.message} in ${lint.modules}"

(totalErrors + remainingErrorLimit, (header + errors) +: reportsSoFar)
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/LintReporter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting

import firrtl._
import firrtl.traversals.Foreachers._
import firrtl.annotations.NoTargetAnnotation
import firrtl.options.{OptionsException, RegisteredLibrary, ShellOption, PreservesAll, Dependency}
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation
import chisel3.experimental.ChiselAnnotation
import scala.collection.mutable

/** The final transform for all linting
* Collects all computer lint violations and displays them
* Optionally kills the compilation, or proceeds with a warning
final class LintReporter extends Transform with RegisteredLibrary with DependencyAPIMigration with PreservesAll[Transform] {
val displayTotal = "displayTotal=(\\d+)".r
val perTotal = "display:([_a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)=(\\d+)".r
val perAllTotal = "display:\\*=(\\d+)".r

lazy val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = s"lint",
toAnnotationSeq = {
case "*" => RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(this) +: (
case other => RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(this) +: (other.split(',') { s =>
Linter.lintMap.get(s) match {
case Some(l) => RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(l)
case None => sys.error(s"Unknown linter argument: $s")
helpText = s"Enable linting for specified rules, where * is all rules. Available rules: ${ => l.lintName).mkString(",")}.",
helpValueName = Some("[*]|[<lintRule>,<lintRule>,...]")
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "lint-options",
toAnnotationSeq = { arg: String =>
val displayOptions = arg.split(',').toSeq.foldLeft(DisplayOptions()) { (opt, str) =>
str match {
case "strict" => opt.copy(level = "strict")
case "warn" => opt.copy(level = "warn")
case displayTotal(n) => opt.copy(totalLimit = Some(n.toInt))
case perTotal(lint, n) => opt.copy(perErrorLimit = opt.perErrorLimit + (Linter.lintMap(lint).lintName -> n.toInt))
case perAllTotal(n) => opt.copy(perErrorLimit = => l.lintName -> n.toInt).toMap)
case other => throw sys.error(s"Unrecognized option passed to --lint: $other")
helpText = "Customize linting options, including strict/warn or number of violations displayed.",
helpValueName = Some("(strict|warn)[,displayTotal=<numError>][,display:<lintName>=<numError>]")

// Run before ExpandWhens
override def optionalPrerequisiteOf = Seq(Dependency[firrtl.passes.ExpandWhensAndCheck])

override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
val grouped = state.annotations.groupBy {
case e: Violation => "v"
case o: DisplayOptions => "o"
case w: Whitelist => "w"
case other => "a"

val violations = grouped.getOrElse("v", Nil).asInstanceOf[Seq[Violation]]
val options = grouped.getOrElse("o", Nil).headOption.getOrElse(DisplayOptions()).asInstanceOf[DisplayOptions]
val remainingAnnotations = grouped.getOrElse("a", Nil)

if(violations.nonEmpty) {
options.level match {
case "strict" => throw LintException(violations.toSeq, options)
case "warn" => println(LintException.buildMessage(violations.toSeq, options))

state.copy(annotations = remainingAnnotations)
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/Linter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting

import firrtl._
import chisel3.experimental.annotate

/** Chisel users: Use to whitelist files
* Lint rule writers: update linters list whenever a new lint rule is created
object Linter {

/** Use to whitelist specific files from specific linting rules
* @param lintRuleName the name of the lint rule
* @param filenames scala files to except from this linting rule
def whitelist(lintRuleName: String, filenames: String*) = {
require(lintMap.contains(lintRuleName), s"Unknown lint name: $lintRuleName")
annotate(Whitelist(lintRuleName, filenames.toSet))

// Update list for any new lint rule
private[linting] lazy val linters = Seq(
new rule.LintAnonymousRegisters,
new rule.LintTruncatingWidths

private [linting] lazy val lintMap = linters.flatMap {
l => Seq(l.lintName -> l)
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/rule/LintAnonymousRegisters.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting
package rule

import firrtl.options.Dependency

/** Reports all anonymous registers in design
* An anonymous register is one which is prefixed with an "_"
final class LintAnonymousRegisters extends LintRule {

val recommendedFix: String = "Use named intermediate val, or if that fails use @chiselName or *.suggestName(...)"

val lintName: String = "anon-regs"

// Should run before LowerTypes so anonymous aggregate registers are reported as one register
override def optionalPrerequisiteOf = super.optionalPrerequisiteOf :+ Dependency(firrtl.passes.LowerTypes)

override protected def lintStatement(violations: Violations, mname: String)(s: Statement): Unit = {
s match {
case r: DefRegister if isTemporary( =>
// Report scala info, if its present. Otherwise, use existing Info
getScalaInfo( match {
case Some(scalaInfo: FileInfo) => updateViolations(scalaInfo, "", violations, mname)
case None => updateViolations(, "", violations, mname)
case other =>
super.lintStatement(violations, mname)(s)
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions src/main/scala/linting/rule/LintRule.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.

package freechips.rocketchip.linting
package rule

import firrtl._
import firrtl.traversals.Foreachers._
import firrtl.options.{RegisteredLibrary, ShellOption, Dependency, PreservesAll}
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation

/** Template class for lint rules
* @note After extending this class, be sure to update the linter list in [[Linter]]
abstract class LintRule extends Transform with RegisteredLibrary with DependencyAPIMigration with PreservesAll[Transform] {

// Name of this rule. Cannot contain spaces!
val lintName: String

// Recommended fix to the user
val recommendedFix: String

lazy val disableCLI: String = s"Omit $lintName from --lint option"

/** A string representation of using the Chisel/Scala API to whitelist files
* @param files a list of scala files to whitelist
def scalaAPI(files: Seq[String]): String = {
val setArg = => s""""$f"""").mkString(",")
s"""whitelist("$lintName", Set($setArg))"""

/** A string representation of using the commandline API to whitelist files
* @param files a list of scala files to whitelist
def whitelistAPI(files: Seq[String]): String = {
val arg = files.mkString(",")
s"""--${options.head.longOption} $arg"""

/** A utiltiy functions to find whitelisted files in the given annotations
* @param annotations Input annotations to find all whitelisted files for this lint rule
def collectWhitelist(annotations: AnnotationSeq): Set[String] = annotations.flatMap {
case Whitelist(name, whitelist) if name == lintName => whitelist.toSeq
case other => Nil

lazy val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = s"lint-whitelist:$lintName",
toAnnotationSeq = {
case whitelist: String => Seq(
Whitelist(lintName, whitelist.split(',').toSet)
helpText = "Enable linting anonymous registers for all files except provided files.",
helpValueName = Some("<filename1>.scala[,<filename2>.scala]*")

// Run lint rules after deduplication
override def optionalPrerequisites: Seq[Dependency[Transform]] = Seq(Dependency[firrtl.transforms.DedupModules])

// Run lint rules before the Lint Reporter
override def optionalPrerequisiteOf: Seq[Dependency[Transform]] = Seq(Dependency[LintReporter])

override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
val violations = new Violations()
val whitelist = collectWhitelist(state.annotations)
val errorList = violations.collect {
case ((info, message), mods) if !isWhitelisted(info, whitelist) => Violation(this, info, message, mods)
}.toSeq.sortBy { _.toString }
state.copy(annotations = errorList ++ state.annotations )

// Can be overridden by subclass implementations
protected def lintModule(violations: Violations)(m: DefModule): Unit = {

// Can be overridden by subclass implementations
protected def lintStatement(violations: Violations, mname: String)(s: Statement): Unit = {
s.foreach(lintStatement(violations, mname))

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