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A jQuery plugin to highlight new items since the last time a site was visited


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A jQuery plugin which highlights new items since the last time a site was visited


Hacker News Highlighter

// ==UserScript==
// @name Highlighter
// @description   Highlight new articles on
// @include
// @require
// @require
// @grant         GM_deleteValue
// @grant         GM_getValue
// @grant         GM_listValues
// @grant         GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant         GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

    item:   'div.story',
    target: 'a.title',
    id:     'data-story-id',


Grab a file from the dist directory or use a CDN, e.g.:


jQuery Highlighter has the following prerequisites:




In order for highlighting to work in userscripts, the following permissions must be granted:

  • GM_deleteValue - used to clear seen IDs after they've expired
  • GM_getValue - used to retrieve seen IDs
  • GM_listValues - used to enumerate seen IDs
  • GM_registerMenuCommand - used to add a userscript menu command to clear all seen IDs
  • GM_setValue - used to store seen IDs


jQuery Highlighter is a jQuery plugin which can be used to highlight new items (e.g. articles, stories, comments) on news sites, blogs, forums and other sites where old content is replaced by new content.

For some examples of this plugin in action, see here.

Highlighting is enabled by calling a method on the jQuery factory object. This method hides the implementation details behind a declarative API with defaults suitable for typical blog/news/aggregator sites. In most cases, only two or three parameters are needed to configure highlighting, only one of which is mandatory:

  • item: a selector for each article/story etc. (required)
  • target: selects the element(s) within each item that should be highlighted (defaults to the item itself if not specified)
  • id: a way to uniquely identify each item (defaults to the value of the item's id attribute if not specified)

With these settings, and a few optional extras, the following behavior is enabled:

  • the first time a news page/site is visited, all of its items are highlighted in yellow (by default)
  • on subsequent visits, only new content (i.e. content that has been added since the last visit) is highlighted
  • eventually, after a period of time (7 days by default), the cached entries for seen items are purged to save space



Signature: (options: Object) ⇒ Promise<void>

    item:   'div.story',
    target: 'a.title',
    id:     'data-story-id',
    ttl:    { days: 28 },

Highlight new items on the current page. Takes an object with the following options.



Type: boolean, default: true

    item: 'div.story',
    cache: false,

If false, the cache is neither read from nor written to. This allows highlighters to be modified and reloaded without having to manually clear the cache every time.


Type: string, default: "#FFFD66"

    item: 'div.story',
    color: '#FFFFAB',

The background color to use as a HTML color string. The background of the target element(s) of new items is set to this color.


Type: boolean, default: false

    item: 'div.article',
    debug: true,

If true, debug/diagnostic messages for some methods are logged to the console. Note that this logs unencrypted IDs (as well as their encrypted values), and so should only be used temporarily, for troubleshooting, to avoid exposing sensitive data.


Type: boolean, default: true

    item: 'div.story',
    cache: false,
    dedup: false,

If false, items are highlighted even if their IDs have already been seen. If true (the default), items are deduplicated, i.e. items with IDs that have already been seen/highlighted are skipped (not highlighted) if they appear again on the same page. Turning off the cache (with cache) and deduplication can be useful when developing highlighters and troubleshooting selectors.


Type: string | (this: HTMLElement, target: JQuery) ⇒ string

    item: 'div.story',
    id:   'data-story-id',

A unique identifier for the item. If it's a string, the ID is the value of the attribute of that name in the item. If it's a function, it's passed the DOM element of each item as its this parameter and the jQuery wrapper for the selected target element(s) as a parameter and returns a unique ID for the item.

If not supplied, it defaults to a function which returns the value of the item's id attribute. If the ID is not defined, a TypeError is raised.

All IDs are encrypted before being written to the cache to avoid exposing private information.


Type: string | () ⇒ JQuery, required

    item: 'div.story'

A selector for items. An item is a piece of updatable content, e.g. a news story, article, or comment. The selector can either be a jQuery selector string, or a function which returns the items as a jQuery collection.

If the item selector is a string and the jQuery-onMutate plugin is loaded, it is used to (also) detect items that are loaded dynamically, i.e. to highlight items loaded or displayed after the initial page load.


Type: (this: HTMLElement, target: JQuery, { id: string, color: string }) ⇒ void

// if the text is inverted (white on black), make it dark so that it remains
// legible on a yellow background
function onHighlight ($target) {
    if ($target.css('color') === 'rgb(255, 255, 255)') {
        $target.css('color', 'rgb(34, 34, 34)')

$.highlight({ item: 'div.story', onHighlight })

A callback called after the target has been highlighted. Passed the item element as its this parameter, the target element(s) as a jQuery collection, and a second argument containing the item ID and background color. Can be used e.g. to customize or override a target's foreground or background color.


Type: string | (this: HTMLElement, item: HTMLElement) ⇒ JQuery

    item:   'div.story',
    target: 'a.title',

The target element(s) to highlight. Can be a jQuery selector string, which is evaluated relative to the item, or a function, which is passed the item element as its this parameter and first parameter, and which returns a jQuery collection containing the target element(s).

If not supplied, it defaults to a function which returns the item.

Highlighted target elements have a class attached to them which allows them to be styled separately. The class name is available via $.highlight.className. It can also be accessed as a selector string (i.e. with a leading .) via $.highlight.selector.


Type: Object, default: { days: 7 }

    item: 'div.story',
    ttl: { days: 28 },

The "time to live" for cached entries, i.e. how long each item ID should be remembered for. If an entry expires, it is removed from the cache, and an item with the same ID will be considered new and highlighted again.

The ttl object is a sort of mini-DSL in data form for specifying the duration: the value is the sum of each unit * value product where each unit denotes the corresponding number of seconds:

unit seconds
second/seconds 1
minute/minutes 60
hour/hours 60 * 60
day/days 24 * 60 * 60
week/weeks 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

These pairs can be combined, e.g.:

    days: 28,
    hours: 6,
    minutes: 42,
    seconds: 12,

The singular and plural versions of each unit are equivalent, e.g. { minute: 10 } and { minutes: 10 } both represent 600 seconds.

If not supplied, it defaults to 7 days.


The following properties are defined on the highlight method.


Type: string

function isHighlighted (el) {
    return el.classList.contains($.highlight.className)

The name of the CSS class added to highlighted elements. See target for more details.


Type: string

const $highlighted = $($.highlight.selector)

A CSS selector string which matches highlighted elements, i.e. the highlighted class name with a dot (.) prepended. See target for more details.


  • This plugin should work in any browser with ES6 support.
  • It has been tested with jQuery 3.x, and may not work with earlier versions.
  • It has been tested on Greasemonkey 3 and Violentmonkey, but should work in all userscript engines which support the Greasemonkey 3 API.







Copyright © 2013-2024 by chocolateboy.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.