This is an ongoing project where we try to create a dataset for training a Neural net to generate anime frames which correspond to subsequent manga panels.
The following are the steps we went through:
- Create the corresponding folder structure for a specified Anime using the folder_structure.ipynb, the anime used as an example in the code is the fullmetal alchemist.
Acquire the Anime episodes.
Extract P-Frames for each episode.
Use of the Mangadex API to download each manga chapter.
For each manga page we used a modified version of this repo to extract each panel as an individual image and then crop out the text in the bubbles using the model from this paper
Then we used pretraind models to extract features from the frames and keep only the most significant frames by deleting the ones with similar enouph features.
The next step is supposed to go through the last step's frames and look for the most similar panel for each frame at the corresponding chapter. After trying out a lot of pretrained models, we had no success on correlating the panels with the most similar frames.
The last one was the most challenging part and obviously there is a need for a model that was trained on these kind of images, which unfortunately doesnt exist and would take a huge amount of time to be created by a small number of people.