----- Eysile's Housing Animator -----
/eha a load [name] ie: /eha a load arene
/eha a create [name] [X] ie: /eha a create doors 4
/eha a replace [name] [X] [Y] ie: /eha a replace doors 2 3
/eha a delete [name] ie: /eha a delete doors
/eha a set [name] [variable] [value]
[variable] could be: trigger [ID] The ID of a collectible to play when playing / toggling the animation loop [0/1] Auto loop the nimation bounce [0/1] Revert play the animation when finished rotate [0/1] Rotate the items to their new pitch, yaw, roll while moving ease [ease] Ease function to calculate position duration [X] Duration of the animation durations [X] [Y] Duration for the keyframe Y speed [x.xx] Speed of the animation
[ease] could be:
linear, inquad, outquad, inoutquad, outinquad, incubic, outcubic, inoutcubic, outincubic, inquart, outquart, inoutquart, outinquart, inquint, outquint, inoutquint, outinquint, insine, outsine, inoutsine, outinsine, inexpo, outexpo, inoutexpo, outinexpo, incirc, outcirc, inoutcirc, outincirc, inelastic, outelastic, inoutelastic, outinelastic, inback, outback, inoutback, outinback, outbounce, inbounce, inoutbounce, outinbounce ie: /eha a set doors ease inoutcubic
/eha a reset [name] ie: /eha a reset doors
/eha a play [name] ie: /eha a play doors
/eha a stop [name] ie: /eha a stop doors
/eha a toggle [name] ie: /eha a toggle doors
/eha a list [name / all]
ie: /eha a list all
/eha a activate light off /eha a activate light on
/eha t create [name] ie: /eha t create switch
/eha t create [name] ie: /eha t create switch
/eha t set [name] [variable] [value]
- [variable] could be: run [command] [1-9] Define a EHA command to trigger when the object reach the state "nr" ie: /eha t set switch run activate+gate+off 1 /eha t set switch run activate+gate+on 2
/eha empty
/eha save
/eha reload
/eha clear