A serviceless sql interface for flat files written in python
- ddb sits on top of text files, giving them a database access layer
- you can read, write, update csv's or any type of delimited text file via sql
- a common interface for all of your flat files
- change control
- access and modification logging
- multiple points of integration (python, shell, slack, ansible)
- sql is easy to work with, no coding required
- the text file stays the same
- wont break or affect anything that might use the file
- it does not run as a service, nothing to maintain
- it can run on any server with python 2.7>
- low memory foot print. it reads data 1 line at a time
- eases the effort of data migration using sql
- the text file does not change
- accessibility of the text file doesnt change
- ease of automation
- error handeling for bad data
- event logging
- no caching at all, all access is live
- optimized for speed using cython
- with python python integration
- from bash cli
The github repo is where I work. Stable releases should be downloaded from pypi.
pip install ddb --user
- disable globing for ddb
echo "alias ddb='set -f;ddb';ddb(){ command ddb "$@";set +f;}" >~/.bashrc
Sure, within reason and ability. Just contact me