Commitwatch is an OSX tray applet that displays your Github contributions today. With commitwatch you can avoid forgetting about your contribution streak, and keep track of how active you've been each day!
You can get the latest version of commitwatch from the releases page.
Simply download the file titled
, extract it, and copy the OSX
application to your Applications directory.
To start developing commitwatch, clone the repository locally. Commitwatch has no external dependencies, and you should run it outside of any virtualenvs so that you ensure you're using OSX's main Python distribution.
> python # Run the app
To generate a build release of commitwatch, you will need a virtualenv. Install py2app and all of the application's OSX dependencies within that virtualenv, then build the application from within it as well.
env> python py2app # Build the app
OSX's Python has odd behaviours that will likely cause the application to not start if ran from within a virtualenv, and not build if built outside of a virtualenv... Your mileage may vary!