yeti language support for vert.x 2.0
As vert.x 2.0 is still in devolopment and there are sometimes api-changes, it can happen that this project does temperorily not compile until the api-changes are followed.
Your help is needed. Please report any bugs/suggestions to the vert.x mailing-list:!forum/yeti-lang
For an introduction and documentation read the manual
For a quickstart git-clone the yvertx-project-template
Yvertx is a language module for vert.x. The module name is:
It is hosted at sonatype-snapshots-maven-repo
To add it to you vertx/conf/
A reimplementation of the samples found in the standard vert.x distribution can be found in the ´samples´ folder.
To run the samples invoke ybuilder from the root of the project.
>java -jar ybuilder.jar vertx:cmd run echo/echoserver.yeti -dir samples
This will run the echo/echoserver.yeti verticle.
For a description of the samples see the vert.x distribution:
To build the api documentation run
>java -jar ybuilder.jar doc
The documentation can be found in target/doc/yetidoc and target/doc/javadoc
To build the project run
>java -jar ybuilder.jar integration-test