Publish energy data of Fronius Sunhine inverters gathered directly from serial port of inverter to http/json endpoint on remote server for use with Influx/Grafana
Developed on OpenWRT / Futro S550 with two serial ports connected via nullmodem cables to two Fronius Sunshine Maxi inverters
git clone # Both, on system connected to inverter(s) and Influx/Grafana server
cd sunshine2json
cp server_config.template server_config
vi server_config
Generate dropbear ssh key on OpenWRT device: dropbearkey -t rsa -f ~./ssh/id_dropbear
Put pubkey on Influx machine to enable scripted login
Install Influx and Grafana, connect them and import InverterCurrentPower.json to Grafana
opkg update; okpg install python3 screen setserial pip3 coreutils-stty tio
pip3 install Flask pytz
cd sunshine2json
screen -r
tail -f /tmp/biglog.txt
cat /tmp/CommonInverterData[1,2].json
Influx/Grafana part