An example NestJS project that uses TypeORM to demonstrate a Node.js-based REST microservice. This example compliments my Lab Notes: Looking at NestJS for Web Apps – Overview, Performance, Thoughts blog article where I provide an overview of NestJS, discuss performance, and wrap up with thoughts from a developer perspective.
This application uses TypeORM and Swagger to implement a simple REST microservice using the default NestJS configuration. The REST endpoints allow you to retrieve and manage user records from a Microsoft SQL Server database. You are able to get a list of all users, get one user, create a user, update a user, and delete a user. All client input, like user identifiers or details, is validated.
- Node.js 16+
- Docker for your environment
- Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows
- Docker for Linux
The following commands should be run from the project directory after you've installed the requirements above.
Install the required node packages and build the project:
$ npm install
$ npm run build
Start up the Docker container with Microsoft SQL Server:
$ docker-compose up
Once the Docker container is started, run the following command to create the necessary database tables:
$ npm run typeorm:migration:run
OPTIONAL: Run this command if you'd like some dummy data to play with:
$ npm run seed:run
To run the application, execute the command:
$ npm run start
Once started, you can acess the Swagger API from http://localhost:3000 to experiment with the API calls.
When finished, you can stop the NestJS app and the docker-compose process by pressing the keys CTRL + C
The following commands will run tests. Please note that the database should be running (via docker-compose up
) for the end-to-end tests.
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# end-to-end tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov