This repo is a hack way to generate an address from
. So it's not a good enough way to use it in prod, use it just for personal
- Generate address from pkBytes
func NewAddressFromPkBytes(pkBytes []byte, prefix string) (string, error)
- Generate address from pkHex
func NewAddressFromPKHex(pkHex, prefix string) (string, error)
- Generate address from pk
func NewAddressFromPK(pk bls.PublicKey, prefix string) (string, error)
- Get address from puzzleHash
GetAddressFromPuzzleHash(ph []byte, prefix string) (string, error)
- Get puzzleHash from address
func GetPuzzleHashFromAddress(address string) (string, []byte, error)
- use to decode key
- modify to decode bech32
- ETH: