Awesome Angular (v2^) Components Catalog - This project is no longer supported. Please refer to Angular Components
Catalog of Angular components / modules / libraries
- Contributions welcome, see contribution guide
A curated list of helpful material to start learning Angular - Angular 2 Education
- UI Components
- UI Layout
- UI Animation
- UI Frameworks
- UI Utilites
- Code Design
- Utilities
- Tests
- Performance
- Dev Tools
- Miscellaneous
- ng2-table - Simple table extension with sorting, filtering, paging
- ng2-handsontable - Angular 2 directive for Handsontable
- ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid
- ng2-smart-table - Smart data table library with sorting, filtering, pagination & add/edit/delete functions.
- ngx-datatable - A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular2
- ng2-infinite-list - Angular2 Infinite Scroll Directive
- angular2-infinite-scroll - Infinite Scroll Directive for angular 2
Display overlay / modal / dialog
- ng2-popup - Angular2 Modal Directive
- angular2-modal - Angular2 Modal / Dialog window
- ng2-bs3-modal - Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component
- ng2-bs4-modal - Angular2 Bootstrap4 Modal Component
A temporary little modal to notify the user
- @ngrx/notify - Web Notifications Powered by RxJS for Angular 2
- Angular2-Toaster - Angular2-toaster is an asynchronous, non-blocking Angular2 Toaster Notification library
- ng2-toasty - Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your app.
- angular2-notifications - A light and easy to use notifications library for Angular 2. It features both regular page notifications (toasts) and push notifications.
- ng2-tooltip-overlay - Angular2 Tooltip Directive
Menus / Sidebars
- ng2-menu - Angular 2 Menu directive
Implementations similar to position: sticky
- ng2-sticky - Angular2 "position: sticky" implementation as a directive
- ng2-tab - Angular 2 Tab Component
- ng2-breadcrumb - Dynamic breadcrumb trail.
Let the user know that something is being loaded
- ng2-progress-bar - Simple progress bar control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
- angular2-busy - Show busy/loading indicators on any promise, or on any Observable's subscription.
- ng2-slim-loading-bar - Angular 2 component shows slim loading bar at the top of the page.
- ng2-loading-animate - Loading animation for angular 2
- angular2-circle-progress Simple Angular 2 Circle Progress Component
Displays data in graphs / diagrams
- ng2-charts - Beautiful charts for Angular2 based on Chart.js
- ng2d3 - D3 + Angular2 Composable Re-usable Charting Framework
- ng2-nvd3 - Angular2 component for nvd3
- angular2-chartist - Angular 2 component for Chartist.js
- ngx-charts - Declarative Charting Framework for Angular2 and beyond!
- angular2-tree-component - A simple yet powerful tree component for Angular2
- ng2-tree - Angular2 Tree component
Ways to navigate views
- ng2-fullpage - Create Beautiful Fullscreen Scrolling websites (now with Angular 2)
- ng2-slimscroll - Angular2 Customizable Scrollbar Directive
- angular2-perfect-scrollbar - Angular 2 wrapper library for perfect scrollbar
Audio / Video / PDF
- ng2-pdf-viewer - PDF Viewer Component for Angular 2
- Videogular - The HTML5 video player for Angular 2
- ng2-map - Angular2 Google Maps Directives
- angular2-google-maps - Angular 2 components for Google Maps
- ng2-dropdown - Simple dropdown for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3
- time-ago-pipe - An Angular 2 pipe for converting a date string into a time ago
- ng2-image-gallery - Basic Angular 2 image gallery using Bootstrap 4 and Fontawesome
- ng2-sharebuttons - Simple, lightweight, customizable share buttons with counts
- ng2-swipeable-card - A small standalone Angular2 plugin that allows your card component to either swipe left or right.
- angular2-useful-swiper - Use's great slider Swiper in Angular 2.
- ng2-pagination Pagination for Angular2
- ng2-meta - Dynamic meta tags and SEO in Angular2
- angular2-clickoutside-directive - Angular 2 directive that provides Click Outside Functionality
- angular2-fontawesome - Angular2 Components and Directives for Fontawesome
- ng2-safe-img - Very tiny and safe img for Angular 2
- ng2-img-fallback - Load placeholder image on image error
- ng2-translate - An implementation of angular translate for Angular 2.
- angular2-translate - simple translate service solution for Angular 2
- angular-pipes - Angular 2 pipes library
- ng-pipes - Useful pipes for Angular 2+ with no external dependencies!
- angular2localization - An Angular 2 library to translate messages, dates and numbers.
- Chomsky-NG2 - A lightweight Angular 2 i18n wrapper.
- angular2-linky - Angular2 pipe to find links in text input and turn them into html links.
- angular2 embedly - directive and service for Angular2
- angular2-highlight-js - highlight.js integration with Angular2.
- ng-dynamic - Dynamic Content Projection in Angular 2+
- angular2-clipboard - A wrapper directive for clipboard.js
- NG2-UI - A collection of quality Angular2 directives
- ng2-ue-utils - Set of angular2 components, directives, pipes and services that will be shared among unified experience SPAs.
- ngx-ui - Style and Component Library for Angular2 and beyond!
Let the user enter data
- ng2-datetime-picker - Angular2 DateTime Picker
- mydatepicker - Angular 2 date picker - Angular2 reusable UI component
- ng2-datepicker - Angular 2 Datepicker Component
- ng2-date-picker - Highly configurable date picker built for Angular 2
- ng2-inline-editor An Angular 2 Component to edit inline any text.
Let the user define an order on a list
- ng2-ui-sortable - Mobile-friendly re-arrangable list element
- ng2-dragula - Simple drag and drop with dragula
- ng2-dnd - Angular 2 Drag-and-Drop without dependencies
Autosuggest / autocomplete / typeahead
- ng2-auto-complete - Angular2 Auto Complete
- ng2-select - Angular2 based replacement for select boxes
- angular2-color-picker - Angular 2 Color Picker Directive, no dependences required.
- ng2-color-picker - Simple color picker for Angular 2
- angular2-feature-toggle - Your module to handle with feature toggles in Angular2 applications easier.
- ng2-nouislider demos - Angular2 noUiSlider directive
- ng2-select-controls - Checkbox group and radio group control for your angular2 applications using bootstrap3.
Let the user select a tag / something while typing
- ng2-tag-input - Tag Input component for Angular 2. Blandly inspired by Angular material's
- text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
- ng2-file-upload - Easy to use Angular2 components for files upload
- fileDroppa - Angular2 File Dropzone
- ngx-uploader - Angular2 File Uploader
- angular2-img-cropper - Angular 2 Image Cropper
- ng2-ace - A basic ace editor directive for angular 2.
- angular2-froala-wysiwyg - AngularJS2 bindings for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
- Angular Formly - JavaScript/JSON powered forms for Angular 2
- Ng2 Validators - A List of validators for Angular 2 Forms based on validator.js
- ng2-recaptcha - Angular 2 component for Google reCAPTCHA
- angular2-recaptcha - Angular 2 : Typescript component for Google reCaptcha
- Angular2 Schema Form - Angular2 Schema Form is an Angular2 module allowing you to instanciate an HTML form from a JSON schema.
- angular2-prettyjson - A module for Angular 2 debug output of objects. Contains a pipe similar to JsonPipe but adds support for spacing and handling of circular structures.
Components to layout the app's UI
- angular2-grid - A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2
Animate transitions
- ng2-parallax-scroll - Angular2 parallax background scroll directive
- Ionic Framework - Hybrid Mobile App Framework for iOS, Android and Windows.
- onsenui - Hybrid Mobile App UI Framework for iOS and Material Design with Angular and React Components.
- Kendo UI for Angular 2 - A flexible and beautiful UI Components for Angular 2
- PrimeNG - A collection of rich UI components for Angular 2
- Wijmo 5 - The First Complete Collection of Angular 2 Components
- NG-Lightning - Native Angular 2 components & directives for Lightning Design System
- ngSemantic - Angular2 building blocks based on Semantic UI
- Teradata Covalent UI Platform - UI platform built on Angular 2.0 + Material Design
- Fuel-UI - A collection of native Angular 2 components, directives, and pipes for Bootstrap 4.
- novo-elements - UI Repository for Bullhorn's Novo Theme
- jQWidgets - jQWidgets Angular 2 UI components
- ng2-bootstrap - Native angular 2 directives for Bootstrap 3
- ngBootstrap - Native angular 2 directives for Bootstrap 4
- Angular 2 Material - Angular team's Material Design components built on top of Angular 2.
- md2 - Angular2 based Material Design components
- angular2-mdl - Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on material design lite
- angular2-materialize - Angular 2 support for Materialize CSS framework
Report computed styles
Report when a component becomes visible/hidden
Determine and report measurements of an element
- ng2-scrollable - Angular2 Automatic Scroll Detection With Animation
- ng2-page-scroll - Animated scrolling functionality written in pure angular2
A/B tests, experiments, ...
Libraries that help with code design
Data flow / data management / data stores / components state / data flow
- @ngrx/store - RxJS powered state management inspired by Redux for Angular 2 apps
- tiny-ng-store - Small Angular 2 store for quick setup
- ng2-mobx - MobX connector to Angular 2
- ng2-ui-storage - Provides memory storage fallback for localStorage and sessionStorage
- angular2-locker - Wrapper around cookies/sessionStorage/localStorage for angular2. If all are unavailable will use an in memory storage.
- angular2-cookie - Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular 2
- @ngrx/router - Reactive Router for Angular 2
Component properties asynchronously fetched over the network
- ng-html2js - Standalone script to turn Angular template into js and put it in a module.
- Universal Angular 2 - Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular2
- Angular2 Universal Starter Kit - Enjoy Server Side rendering and Web Workers in your Angular2 Application
Boilerplates / scaffolds / starter kits / generators / stack ensembles
- angular2-webpack-starter - An Angular 2 Starter kit from AngularClass
- angular-seed - High-quality, modular starter (seed) project for Angular 2 apps with statically typed build and AoT
- angular2-webpack - A complete, yet simple, starter for Angular 2 using webpack
- angular2-seed - Angular 2 seed project from Angular team.
- angular-seed-advanced - An advanced Angular2 seed project with support for ngrx/store, ngrx/effects, ng2-translate, angulartics2, lodash, NativeScript, Electron (Mac, Windows and Linux desktop) and more.
- angular2-rollup-starter - Angular2 & Rollup.js including AoT and Universal support
- angular-oauth2 - AngularJS OAuth2
- ng2-ui-auth - An angular2 repository for authentication based on angular1's satellizer
- ng2-rest-api - Rest API provider for angular 2.
- angular2-jsonapi - A lightweight Angular 2 adapter for JSON API
- ng2-restangular - Restangular for Angular 2
- ng2-resource-rest - Resource (REST) Client for Angular 2
- angularfire2 - The official Angular 2 library for Firebase
- angular2-odata - OData service for Angular2
- angulartics2 - Web analytics for Angular 2 applications
- ng2-wp-api - Angular2 WordPress Module
- angular2-apollo - Angular 2 integration for the Apollo Client
- ng2-cloudinary - Angular2 components for Cloudinary image back-end
- angular2-disqus - A DISQUS integration for Angular2
- ng2-disqus - Angular 2 component for Disqus
- pubnub-angular2 - Pubnub Angular2 service is a wrapper for PubNub JavaScript SDK version 4
- selfbits-angular2-sdk - Angular 2 SDK for Selfbits Backend-as-a-Service
- [stormpath-sdk-angular](Angular 2 Components for Stormpath) - Angular 2 Components for integrating with Stormpath's API
- angular2-cloudtasks - Helps using image processing task by substituting your images sources with the processing URL.
- ng2-image-lazy-load - Angular2 image lazy loader library
- angular2-imagelazyload-directive - Angular2 image lazy load directive
- @ngrx/store-devtools - Devtools for @ngrx/store
- @ngrx/store-log-monitor - Port of redux-devtools-log-monitor for Angular 2 and @ngrx/store-devtools
- angular2-logger - A log4j inspired logger for angular 2.
- ng2-logger - Angular 2 logger service
- @ngrx/effects - Side effect model for @ngrx/store
- Angular 2 IoT - Internet of Things directives for Angular 2 (Led, Button, etc.)