Ascii Hexagonal Grid Pretty Printer is a Java based tool that can output a hexagonal grid to the commandline. This enables a visual inspection of the state of a hex grid which can be usefull for eg. debugging hexagonal grid states.
The tool supports flat and pointed hexes, 2 lines of text, a custom filler char as well as different hex sizes.
- Usage
Include the file 'deploy/asciihexgrid-1.0.jar' in your classpath.
Build a hex grid like this:
AsciiBoard board = new AsciiBoard(0, 2, 0, 1, new SmallFlatAsciiHexPrinter());
board.printHex("HX1","-B-", '#', 0, 0);
board.printHex("HX2","-W-", '+', 1, 0);
board.printHex("HX3","-W-", '-', 2, 0);
board.printHex("HX3","-B-", '•', 2, 1);
output will look like this:
| = = = = = = = = = = = = |
| _ _ |
| /# # #\ |
| /# HX1 #\ _ _ |
| \# -A- #/+ + +\ |
| \#_#_#/+ HX2 +\ _ _ |
| \+ -B- +/- - -\ |
| \+_+_+/- HX3 -\ |
| \- -C- -/ |
| \-_-_-/ |
| /• • •\ |
| /• HX4 •\ |
| \• -D- •/ |
| \•_•_•/ |
| |
| = = = = = = = = = = = = |
- Coordinate system
The hex grids uses a trapezoidal/axial coordinate system. The axis' look a little different depending on flat or pointed orientation.
Flat orientation:
_ _
/ \
_ _ /(0,-1) \ _ _
/ \ -R / \
/(-1,0) \ _ _ /(1,-1) \
\ -Q / \ /
\ _ _ / (0,0) \ _ _ /
/ \ / \
/(-1,1) \ _ _ / (1,0) \
\ / \ +Q /
\ _ _ / (0,1) \ _ _ /
\ +R /
\ _ _ /
Pointy orientation:
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
| -1,-1 | 1,-1 |
| -R | |
/ \ / \ / \
/ \ / \ / \
| -1,0 | 0,0 | 1,0 |
| -Q | | +Q |
\ / \ / \ /
\ / \ / \ /
| -1,1 | 0,1 |
| | +R |
\ / \ /
\ / \ /
Negative coordinates are currently not supported, ie. (0,0) is the top-left corner. If you hex grid have negative coordinates, they can be shifted correctly by the following algorithm (pseducode):
int adjustQ = hexes.getMinQ();
int adjustR = hexes.getMinR();
board.printHex("HX1","-A-", hex.getQ() - adjustQ, hex.getR() - adjust);
- Examples
Currently 4 types of hexes are supported: Small/large flat and small/large pointed. Examples can be seen below:
Small flat:
_ _
/• • •\
/• HX1 •\ _ _
\• -B- •/- - -\
\•_•_•/- HX2 -\ _ _
\- -W- -/- - -\
\-_-_-/- HX3 -\
\- -W- -/
/• • •\
/• HX4 •\
\• -B- •/
Large flat:
_ _ _ _
/ • • • \
/• • • • •\
/• HX1 •\_ _ _ _
\• -B- •/ - - - \
\• • • • •/- - - - -\
\_•_•_•_/- HX2 -\_ _ _ _
\- -W- -/ - - - \
\- - - - -/- - - - -\
\_-_-_-_/- HX3 -\
\- -W- -/
\- - - - -/
/ • • • \
/• • • • •\
/• HX4 •\
\• -B- •/
\• • • • •/
Small pointy:
/•\ /-\ /-\
/• • •\ /- - -\ /- - -\
|• HX1 •|- HX2 -|- HX3 -|
|• -B- •|- -W- -|- -W- -|
\• • •/ \- - -/ \- - -/•\
\•/ \-/ \-/• • •\
|• HX4 •|
|• -B- •|
\• • •/
Large pointy:
/•\ /-\ /-\
/• • •\ /- - -\ /- - -\
/• • • • •\ /- - - - -\ /- - - - -\
|• HX1 •|- HX2 -|- HX3 -|
|• -B- •|- -W- -|- -W- -|
|• • • • • •|- - - - - -|- - - - - -|
\• • • • •/ \- - - - -/ \- - - - -/•\
\• • •/ \- - -/ \- - -/• • •\
\•/ \-/ \-/• • • • •\
|• HX4 •|
|• -B- •|
|• • • • • •|
\• • • • •/
\• • •/
- Build
For building the jar file. Gradle 1.6 is needed. Run
> gradle uploadArchives
from the command line. The jar can now be found in deploy/asciihexgrid-1.0.jar.
- Credit
For an incredible useful and throrough guide on all things hexagonal grid related, see this excellent blog post by Red Blob Games: