This code has been tested on a specific Anaconda environment created on a Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Mate machine. All necessary scripts can be downloaded from the student's GitHub:
Next, the user should download and install Anaconda:
Now, it is time to create an environment named "r-gpu" with the help of two command lines typed on terminal:
conda create --name r-gpu python=3.9 notebook r-base=4.1 r-essentials r-e1071 r-irkernel r-varhandle r-foreach r-doparallel r-reticulate r-keras r-tfdatasets
Rscript install-keras-gpu.R
Lastly, the below script executed on RStudio runs the code provided by edX to generate the datasets, and stores the files "edx.csv" and "validation.csv" on a sub-folder "./dat", which is also created in the process:
- code-preset.R
At this point, the code is ready for execution on RStudio, through this script:
- code-movielens.R