For God's sake, please give it up. Fear it no less than the sensual passion, because it, too, may take up all your time and deprive you of your health, peace of mind, and happiness in life.
Farkas Bolyai, to his son János Bolyai, on hyperbolic geometry
A Javascript implementation of the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane, on an HTML canvas.
Due to the less-than-infinite precision of floating point numbers, bad things can happen, especially as points approach the border of the plane.
Certain browsers do not provide support for the hyperbolic functions.
- Example (a few regular congruent hexagons; they rotate when clicked)
- let me know if you use this in a project, so I can populate this list
Add one or more divs with the class "hyperbolic-canvas" to an HTML document, and load [HyperbolicCanvas.js][HyperbolicCanvas.js]. A Canvas object will be automatically created to correspond with each such div. Width and height styling must be specified. Absolute px values in a 1:1 ratio are recommended:
<div class="hyperbolic-canvas" style="width: 600px; height: 600px;"></div>
<div class="hyperbolic-canvas" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Angle.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Point.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Line.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Circle.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Polygon.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/Canvas.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="lib/HyperbolicCanvas.js"></script>
See the example HTML and example CSS for a demonstration.
An array of all Canvas objects is exposed through the HyperbolicCanvas
The constant Tau is defined on the Math object as 2 * Math.PI
// 6.283185307179586
// you're welcome
The hyperbolic canvas makes use of several geometric object classes, defined relative to the Euclidean plane.
A non-function object which contains convenience functions related to angles.
// return the equivalent angle a where 0 < a < Tau
A representation of a point on the Canvas, where the center is defined as (0, 0) and the radius is defined as 1, and the y axis is not inverted.
// the point at the center of the canvas, (0,0)
Factory methods:
Point.givenCoordinates(x, y);
// generate a point given x and y coordinates, relative to the center of the unit circle
Point.givenPolarCoordinates(radius, angle);
// generate a point given polar coodinates, relative to the center of the unit circle
Point.givenHyperbolicPolarCoordinates(radius, angle);
// generate a point given polar coodinates, relative to the center of the unit circle, where the given distance is hyperbolic
Point.between(somePoint, someOtherPoint);
// generate the point between two other Points, in a Euclidean sense
Instance functions:
// determine whether x and y properties of the point match those of another point
// calculate the angle at which the point is located relative to the unit circle
// calculate the hyperbolic distance of the point from the center of the canvas
Point.prototype.distantPoint(distance, direction);
// calculate the point's relative point a given hyperbolic distance away at a given angle
// the returned distant point has an additional property "direction" which indicates the angle one would be facing, having traveled from the point to the distant point
// if this function is called without a "direction" argument, the point is checked for a "direction" attribute
// if neither a "direction" argument nor attribute exists, the point's angle() is used
// determine whether the point lies within the bounds of the unit circle
The relationship between two Points. Contains various functions which act on either the Euclidean or the hyperbolic plane. Can represent a line, line segment, or ray.
Factory methods:
Line.givenPointSlope(point, slope);
// generate a line given a point and a slope
Line.givenTwoPoints(somePoint, someOtherPoint);
// generate a line through two Points
Class functions:
Line.intersect(someLine, someOtherLine);
// calculate the point of intersection of two Euclidean lines
Line.hypebrolicIntersect(someLine, someOtherLine);
// calculate the point of intersection of two hyperbolic lines
Instance functions:
// returns the circle whose arc matches the hyperbolic geodesic through the line's points
// determine whether a point lies on the Euclidean line
// determine whether the line's slope matches that of another line, and the line contains a point of another line
// return the x coordinate of the point on the Euclidean line at a given y coordinate
// return the y coordinate of the point on the Euclidean line at a given x coordinate
// return the line which is the perpindicular bisector of the Euclidean line segment
// return the opposite reciprocal of the slope of the Euclidean line
// return the point between the Euclidean line segment's two endpoints
// calculate the length of the Euclidean line segment
// calculate the length of the hyperbolic line segment
// calculate the Euclidean line's points of intersection with the unit circle
A center Point and a radius. Used mostly internally for the purpose of drawing hyperbolic lines.
// the unit circle; center (0,0), radius 1
Factory methods:
Circle.givenCenterRadius(center, radius);
// generate a circle with a given center point and Euclidean radius
Circle.givenHyperbolicCenterRadius(center, radius);
// generate a circle with a given center point and hyperbolic radius
Circle.givenTwoPoints(somePoint, someOtherPoint);
// generate a circle given two diametrically opposed points
Circle.givenThreePoints(somePoint, someOtherPoint, someOtherOtherPoint);
// generate a circle given three points
Class functions:
Circle.intersect(someCircle, someOtherCircle);
// calculate the points of intersection beween two circles
Instance functions:
// determine whether the circle's center and radius match those of another circle
// calculate the angle of a point relative to the circle's center
// calculate the point on a circle at a given angle relative to its center
// calculate the x coordinates of the points on the circle with a given y coordinate
// calculate the y coordinates of the points on the circle with a given x coordinate
// calculate the tangent line to the circle at a given angle
// calculate the line which passes through a given point and is perpindicular to the line through the point and the circle's center
// calculate the circle's points of intersection with the unit circle
An ordered collection of Points.
Factory methods:
// generate a polygon from a given ordered array of Point objects
Polygon.givenNCenterRadius(n, center, radius);
// generate a regular polygon with n sides, where each vertex is radius distance from the center Point
Instance functions:
// return the rotation of the polygon the given angle about the center of the unit circle
The canvas class is used to draw hyperbolic lines and shapes.
Instance functions:;
// generate a Point given an array of coordinates [x, y] relative to the HTML canvas;
// generate an array of coordinates [x, y] relative to the HTML canvas given a Point
// return the 2d context of the underlying HTML canvas
Canvas.prototype.strokeLineThroughIdealPoints(someAngle, someOtherAngle);
// stroke the line through the ideal points at given angles
// clear the canvas
// stroke a grid on the canvas with n divisions of each axis
// fill and/or stroke the given object
Canvas.prototype.strokeLine(line, infinite);
// stroke the hyperbolic line, extending to the edges of the canvas if the boolean infinite is true
// stroke the ideal hyperbolic lines which bind a given polygon.
To report problems, or request features, please open a new issue.