Hey, my name is Baran (pronounced as "Baron")!
Baron's pronunciation:
- ✨ Interests: Solving challenging problems. Some are UI/UX, optimisations, finance, and regulated freedom.
- ❓ Some of my projects are closed-source. If you would like to see any, please let me know on LinkedIn
- JavaScript
- Designed, coded, and hosted a REST API that saves metadata on IPFS and saves proof on a network that runs on the EVM (built for an international corporation, closed-source)
- A multifunctional Discord chatbot (closed-source)
- TypeScript
- I prefer using typed JavaScript in my newer projects to increase the overall robustness.
- Python
- Solidity
- An on-chain, order book style decentralised exchange (← my bachelors project)
- C
- Bash
- Git - Completed Learn Git Branching course.
- Created ticket templates to minimise the iterative communication exchanges across various teams.
- Automated moving tickets to another column to decrease developers' workload.
- Figma
- React
- Used it to build a UI while working as a Front End Engineer at VIOOH.
- Next.js
- Storybook
- Built and tested a design system for Transfer Coins.
- Built and tested a design system while working as a Front End Engineer at VIOOH.
- Tailwind CSS
- Redux (Toolkit) - Used it while working as a Front End Engineer at VIOOH.
- Cloud Firestore - Implemented it in a monitoring service to log user activities, perform CRUD operations and search queries.
- MongoDB - Implemented it in the backend of a full stack website to log products and perform CRUD operations.
- Redis - Utilised when working with Refresh Tokens (JWT) for whitelisting purposes.
- SQLite
- ESLint - My default config is airbnb-base.
- Prettier
- Jest - Followed TDD while working as a Front End Engineer at VIOOH.
- Cucumber - Completed BDD with Cucumber (JavaScript) course.
- Cypress
- Mocha - Followed TDD when developing my bachelor's project.
- Selenium - Built a configurable end-to-end test for a luxury clothing brand.
- GitHub Actions - Utilise it for automatic testing and deployments. An example project for using Terraform with GitHub Actions.
- 🐶 Husky - Created a pre-commit hook to format the local codebase with Prettier, lint with ESLint and build the project to increase the deployment success rate from 80% to 95%.
- Terraform - I deployed a VPC with subnets and EC2 instances.
- Dedicated Server (Hetzner) - Deployed two BSC full nodes, created user groups, changed permissions, managed firewall and installed a GUI.
- VPS (DigitalOcean) - Hosted a Minecraft server for 8 people.
- Vercel
- Route 53 - I hosted a static React app.
- CloudFront
- Certificate Manager
- S3
- VPC - See my project.
- EC2 - Created a public subnet enclosed by a security group, which included an EC2 instance with both an elastic IP and an elastic network interface.