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Losser is a little JSON to CSV converter:

  • It takes a list of JSON objects as input and produces a CSV file as output
  • The JSON objects don't all have to have the same keys or structure, and they may contain sub-objects and sub-lists arbitrarily nested
  • Losser can filter the JSON objects - finding and exporting some fields while ignoring others
  • And it can transform the objects - renaming and reordering fields, truncating and formatting values, combining multiple values into lists, deduplicating, etc
  • Losser can be used on the command line or as a Python module

Originally created for ckanapi-exporter.


To install run:

pip install losser


On the command line:

losser --column "Data Owner" --pattern '^author$' < input.json

Losser reads a list of JSON objects from stdin and writes the CSV text to stdout. input.json should be a JSON file containing a list of objects. The examples in this README use this input.json file (which contains datasets exported from

Losser will search each object for fields matching the regular expression ^author$ and put the values in a column titled "Data Owner". The output will be a one-column CSV file:

Data Owner
Lucy Chambers

You can add as many columns as you want: just add a --column and a --pattern argument for each column. The columns will appear in the order that you specify them:

losser --column "Data Owner" --pattern '^author$' \
    --column Maintainer --pattern '^maintainer$' \
    < input.json
Data Owner Maintainer
Bundesbank Rufus Pollock
Lucy Chambers Someone Else
... ...

Composing with Other Commands

Losser tries to be a good UNIX citizen. It aims to do one thing and do it well, and to be composable with other UNIX commands using <, > and |:

  • Reads input from stdin
  • Writes clean, undecorated CSV text to stdout
  • Writes errors and help text to stderr not stdout
  • Sets exit status to 0 normally or non-zero if something went wrong
  • Is always non-interactive

Finding Fields in Sub-Objects

To export fields from sub-objects use a pattern path: a pattern with more than one argument. Our example JSON objects contain a "tracking_summary" sub-object with a "total" field:

    "author": "Bundesbank",
    "maintainer": "Rufus Pollock",
    "tracking_summary": {
      "total": 456,
      "recent": 19

To extract this field into a third column:

losser --column "Data Owner" --pattern '^author$' \
    --column Maintainer --pattern '^maintainer$' \
    --column "Total Views" --pattern '^tracking_summary$' "total" \
    < input.json
Data Owner Maintainer Total Views
Bundesbank Rufus Pollock 456
Lucy Chambers Someone Else 200
... ... ...

A pattern path can take any number of arguments to recurse into any depth sub-objects.

Finding Fields in Sub-Lists

If one of the patterns in a pattern path lands on a sub-list losser will iterate over the list and recurse on each item in the list, querying the rest of the pattern path against each item and eventually returning a list of results.

Our example objects contain lists of "resource" objects each with a "format" field, among others:

    "author": "Bundesbank",
    "maintainer": "Rufus Pollock",
    "resources": [
        "description": "CSV file extracted and cleaned from source excel.",
        "format": "CSV",
        "description": "Original Excel version.",
        "format": "XLS",

To extract each of the format fields from each dataset:

losser --column "Data Owner" --pattern '^author$' \
    --column Maintainer --pattern '^maintainer$' \
    --column "Total Views" --pattern '^tracking_summary$' "total" \
    --column Formats --pattern '^resources$' 'format' \
    < input.json
Data Owner Maintainer Total Views
Bundesbank Rufus Pollock 456 CSV, XLS
Lucy Chambers Someone Else 200 CSV, CSV, JSON, HTML
... ... ... ...

List of results are combined into quoted, comma-separated lists in the output CSV.

To remove duplicates from these lists pass the --deduplicate option to the column: --column Formats --pattern '^resources$' 'format' --deduplicate.

Column options like --pattern, --deduplicate etc apply to the preceding --column. See losser --help for all the options.

A column query may return a nested list of results, for example if the input object contains a list of lists. When this happens the nested list is flattened in the output CSV.

Matching Multiple Keys with One Pattern

If a pattern matches more than one key in an object, losser will recurse on each matching key's value, querying the rest of the pattern path against each value and eventually returning a list of values.

To give a simple example, the pattern license will match a number of keys in our example objects (license_title, license_id and license_url), so this:

losser --column "License" --pattern "license" < input.json

Will produce this:

odc-pddl, Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL),
cc-by, Creative Commons Attribution,

Finding Inconsistently Named Keys

Different objects in the input JSON may use different keys for the same field. For example an "Update Frequency" field that appears as "Update", "update", "Updated", "Update Frequency", etc in different objects.

To catch all of these fields and put them into a single column in the output CSV, just supply a pattern that matches all of them:

losser --column "Update Frequency" --pattern "^update.*" --unique < input.json

In this case we're assuming that each object has only one key that matches our pattern: we don't want any lists of matching values in our CSV cells. To enforce this we pass the --unique option to the column, which will crash if more than one key matches the pattern.

By default pattern matching is case-insensitive and keys are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace before matching. To match case-sensitively and without stripping whitespace, pass the --case-sensitive --strip false options to the column.

Using a columns.json File

You can specify your columns in a columns.json file, instead of giving them on the command line. For example:

  "Data Owner": {
    "pattern": "^author$"
  "Maintainer": {
    "pattern": "^maintainer$"
  "Total Views": {
    "pattern": ["^tracking_summary$", "total"]
  "Formats": {
    "pattern": ["^resources$", "format"],
    "deduplicate": true

Then to use the file do:

losser --columns columns.json < input.json

Using Losser from Python

To call losser from Python:

import losser.losser as losser
table = losser.table(input_objects, columns)

input_objects should be a list of dicts (e.g. from reading a list of JSON objects with json.loads()).

columns can be dict of dicts in the same format as the columns.json file above, or the path to a columns.json file.

table() will return the output CSV as a list of dicts or as a UTF8-encoded, CSV-formatted string (if you pass csv=True).

Inheriting Losser's Command Line Interface

Losser's command line interface with --column and related arguments is fairly complicated to implement. You may want to offer the same command line features in your own losser-based command without having to reimplement them.

For example ckanapi-exporter offers the losser command line interface but adds its own --url and --apikey arguments to pull the input data directly from a CKAN site instead of reading it from stdin.

losser.cli provides make_parser() and parse() functions to enable inheriting its command-line interface. Here's how you use them:

parent_parser = losser.cli.make_parser(add_help=False, exclude_args=["-i"])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="Export datasets from a CKAN site to JSON or CSV.",
parser.add_argument("--url", required=True)
    parsed_args = losser.cli.parse(parser=parser)
except losser.cli.CommandLineExit as err:
except losser.cli.CommandLineError as err:
    if err.message:
url = parsed_args.url
columns = parsed_args.columns
apikey = parsed_args.apikey
datasets = get_datasets_from_ckan(url, apikey)
csv_string = losser.losser.table(datasets, columns, csv=True)

See ckanapi-exporter for a working example.


To install losser for development, create and activate a Python virtual environment then do:

git clone
cd losser
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

To run the tests do:


To run the tests and produce a test coverage report do:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests