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ssr-nuxt-firebase-buefy Project Template

Initialize Nuxt

  1. Run yarn create nuxt-app my-project with the following options:
    • Project name: (leave default)
    • Programming language: JavaScript
    • Package manager: Yarn
    • UI framework: Buefy
    • Nuxt.js modules: Progressive Web App (PWA)
    • Linting tools: ESLint
    • Testing framework: None
    • Rendering mode: Universal (SSR / SSG)
    • Deployment target: Server (Node.js hosting)
    • Development tools: jsconfig.json (Recommended for VS Code if you're not using typescript)
    • Continuous integration: None
    • Version control system: Git

Remove nuxt filler content and README files

  1. Delete files

    rm assets/
    rm components/
    rm layouts/
    rm middleware/
    rm pages/
    rm plugins/
    rm static/
    rm store/
    rm components/Card.vue
    rm components/Logo.vue
    rm pages/inspire.vue
    rm assets/buefy.png
  2. Replace nuxt filler content with base content:

    <!-- layouts/default.vue -->
        <div class="container">
          <nuxt />
    <!-- pages/index.vue -->
      <section class="section">
  3. Create similar placeholder pages:


Initialize Firebase

  1. Create projects in Firebase console (create a prod project and a test project)

  2. For each project, upgrade to Blaze Plan and assign to billing account (create new billing account if needed)

  3. In the Firebase console, set up Firestore - choose production mode (deny all requests by default) and region

  4. Run firebase init in root project directory

    • Choose features: Firestore, Functions, Hosting, Storage, Emulators
    • Choose project (or create new)
    • Use default firestore.rules
    • Use default firestore.indexes.json
    • Choose language: Javascript
    • Use ESLint: Yes
    • Do not install dependencies now
    • Public directory: public
    • Single Page App: No
    • Automatic builds and deploys: No
    • Use default storage.rules
    • Select emulators: Authentication, Functions, Firestore, Hosting
    • Use default ports for emulators
    • Enable the Emulator UI: Yes
    • Emulator UI Port: 4000
    • Download emulators now: No
  5. Add the following to .gitignore:

    # Firebase
  6. Update .firebaserc

    • Run cp .firebaserc example.firebaserc
    • Update example.firebaserc with sample project IDs for default (test) and prod
    • Update .firebaserc with actual project IDs for default (test) and prod

Set up SSR

  1. Move Nuxt directories into /src (assets, components, layouts, middleware, pages, plugins, static, store)

  2. Add the following to .gitignore:

    # SSR
  3. Add the following to functions/.gitignore:

    # functions/package.json is generated at build time
  4. Use yarn instead of npm in firebase.json:

    "functions": {
      "predeploy": [
        "yarn --prefix \"$RESOURCE_DIR\" lint"
  5. In firebase.json, add:

    "hosting": {
      "rewrites": [
          "source": "**",
          "function": "nuxtssr"
  6. Set the following in nuxt.config.js:

    build: {
      // Static URLs should be generated with '/assets/' at the beginning of the path instead of '/_nuxt/',
      // so that they will be loaded from the CDN via Firebase Hosting, and not processed through the SSR cloud function
      publicPath: '/assets/'
    // Nuxt directories are in /src instead of in the root directory
    srcDir: 'src',
    // Compiled app needs to be in /functions so that Cloud Functions has access to it (to do the server-side rendering)
    buildDir: 'functions/.nuxt'
  7. Add the following scripts to package.json:

    "postinstall": "node ./functions_install.js",
    "precommit": "yarn lint",
    "prebuild": "yarn clean && yarn lint",
    "postbuild": "yarn copyassets && yarn copystatic",
    "clean": "yarn clean:public && yarn clean:functions",
    "clean:public": "mkdir -p ./public && rimraf ./public/*",
    "clean:functions": "mkdir -p ./functions/.nuxt && rimraf ./functions/.nuxt/*",
    "copyassets": "mkdir -p ./public/assets && cp -R ./functions/.nuxt/dist/client/* ./public/assets",
    "copystatic": "cp -R ./src/static/* ./public",
    "serve": "DEBUG=nuxt:* firebase serve --only hosting,functions -p 3000",
    "build:serve": "yarn build && yarn serve",
    "deploy": "firebase deploy -P default",
    "buildDeploy": "yarn build && yarn deploy",
    "buildDeploy:prod": "DEPLOY_ENV=prod yarn build && firebase deploy -P prod"
  8. Add the following sections to package.json. Install these packages with yarn normally first, then move the lines to this section (the versions listed here are not real).

    "firebaseFunctionsDependencies": {
      "firebase-admin": "~0.0.0",
      "firebase-functions": "^0.0.0"
    "firebaseFunctionsExcludeDependencies": [
  9. Set the node version in package.json:

    "engines": {
      "node": "12"
  10. Set the node version in firebase.json:

    "functions": {
      "runtime": "nodejs12"
  11. Add the following files in the root directory:

  12. Add the nuxtssr function: functions/nuxtssr.js

  13. Export the nuxtssr function in functions/index.js (remove all of the default content):

    exports.nuxtssr = require('./nuxtssr').default

Set up environment configuration

  1. Create the following files:

    # Development/Test environment
    # Production environment
    # Insert same variables here with example values
  2. Add app configuration values to .env files:

    APP_TITLE=My Project
    APP_DESCRIPTION=My Project Description
  3. Add the following to .gitignore:

    # Environment configuration
  4. Install dotenv:

    yarn add -D dotenv
  5. Insert the following at the top of nuxt.config.js:

    const dev = process.env.DEPLOY_ENV !== 'prod'
      path: dev ? '.env' : 'prod.env'
  6. Update the head configuration in nuxt.config.js to reference the APP_TITLE and APP_DESCRIPTION environment variables:

    head: {
      title: process.env.APP_TITLE,
      meta: [
        { hid: 'description', name: 'description', content: process.env.APP_DESCRIPTION }
  7. Update nuxt.config.js to inject necessary environment variables into the client app.

    Do not inject secret environment variables that are not intended for use in a client app.

    env: {
      APP_TITLE: process.env.APP_TITLE,
      APP_DOMAIN: process.env.APP_DOMAIN

Set up styles

  1. Install node-sass and sass-loader. At the time of this writing, Bulma is only compatible with node-sass@^4.0.0.

    yarn add -D node-sass@^4.0.0 sass-loader
  2. Install @nuxtjs/style-resources so that sass variables will be exposed to Vue components:

    yarn add -D @nuxtjs/style-resources
  3. Add the following files to src/assets/scss/:

    # Override bulma/buefy variables that do not depend on bulma variables
    # Import Bulma utilities (includes variables)
    # Override bulma/buefy variables that depend on bulma variables
    # Import mixins.scss
    # Define mixins needed in components
    # Import variables.scss
    # Import bulma and buefy source files needed for this app
    # Import buefy-custom.scss
    # Define additional global styles
  4. Set the following in nuxt.config.js to load sass resources:

    css: [
      // Main scss code to compile
    styleResources: {
      scss: [
        // Expose sass variables in Vue components
    modules: [
      // Set css to false to not include default buefy CSS (we will compile our own)
      ['nuxt-buefy', { css: false }],
      // Expose variables to components automatically. See styleResources configuration above
    build: {
      // Extract CSS to dedicated CSS files in production
      extractCSS: !dev

Integrate Firebase

  1. Install packages:

    yarn add firebase @nuxtjs/firebase
  2. Add example Firebase configuration values to example.env:

    # Firebase configuration
    # Get it from
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Add real Firebase configuration values in .env and prod.env

  4. Add @nuxtjs/firebase configuration to nuxt.config.js:

        config: {
          apiKey: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_API_KEY || '',
          authDomain: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_AUTH_DOMAIN || '',
          databaseURL: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_DATABASE_URL || '',
          projectId: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_PROJECT_ID || '',
          storageBucket: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_STORAGE_BUCKET || '',
          messagingSenderId: process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID || '',
          appId: process.env.FIREBASE_APP_ID || '',
          measurementId: process.env.FIREBASE_MEASUREMENT_ID || ''
        services: {
          auth: {
            initialize: {
              onAuthStateChangedAction: 'auth/loadUser'
          firestore: true,
          functions: true,
          storage: true
        onFirebaseHosting: true

Set up auth store

  1. Add nuxt-vuex-router-sync for handling #sign-in URL hash:

    yarn add nuxt-vuex-router-sync
    // nuxt.config.js
    modules: [
  2. Add Object.pick function in src/plugins/helpers.js. Register the plugin:

    // nuxt.config.js
    plugins: [
      { src: '~/plugins/helpers.js' }
  3. Add auth store in src/store/auth.js

Set up root store and pages store

  1. Add stores:


Add hydration flag

Client-side DOM must match SSR DOM until after hydration is complete. Otherwise, Nuxt will perform a full client-side render, removing one benefit of SSR. Elements that are only rendered on the client, or elements rendered differently on the client, should wait until hydrated === true before rendering.

  1. Add hydrated to the state in the root store, with the setHydrated mutation.

  2. Map hydrated and setHydrated to the default layout using mapState and mapMutations. Execute the setHydrated mutation to set hydrated = true in the mounted hook.

Add middleware

  1. Add file src/middleware/general.js.

  2. Register middleware in src/layouts/default.vue:

    export default {
      middleware: [

Add page metadata to <head> tag

  1. Add head() function and associated vuex state (using mapState and mapGetters) to src/layouts/default.vue.

Add logo artwork

  1. Add files:


Install Font Awesome icon library

  1. Install packages

    yarn add nuxt-fontawesome
    yarn add @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons
    yarn add @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
  2. Update nuxt.config.js to integrate with Buefy's icon component and specify which icons are needed:

    modules: [
          materialDesignIcons: false,
          defaultIconPack: 'fas',
          defaultIconComponent: 'font-awesome-icon'
          imports: [
              set: '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons',
              icons: ['faGoogle', 'faFacebookF']
              set: '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons',
              icons: ['faBars', 'faUser', 'faCog', 'faSignOutAlt']
  3. Icons can then be used in components with:

    <b-icon icon="bars" /> <!-- uses default pack "fas"  -->
    <b-icon pack="fab" icon="google" />

Add layout/structural components

  1. Add container/page layout helpers:

  2. Update pages to use the PageContainer component. For example, src/pages/index.vue:

        <PageContainer title="Welcome!">
      import PageContainer from '~/components/PageContainer.vue'
      export default {
        components: {
  3. Add structural component files:

  4. Update src/layouts/default.vue (see complete file for code):

    • Update the template to use the structural components
    • Add auth-related mapped state and getters to the computed object
    • Add the style tag
  5. Include needed bulma and buefy elements and components in src/assets/scss/buefy-custom.scss

    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/button.sass';
    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/container.sass';
    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/content.sass';
    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/icon.sass';
    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/notification.sass';
    @import '~bulma/sass/elements/progress.sass';
    @import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_icon.scss';
    @import '~buefy/src/scss/components/_loading.scss';
  6. Update src/assets/main.scss to set main DOM elements to full height. This allows the footer to be at the bottom of the viewport when the page would otherwise be too short to fill the viewport.

    html, body, #__nuxt, #__layout {
      height: 100%;
  7. Set color variables in src/assets/scss

Test configuration

# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Test locally
yarn build:serve

# Deploy to test project
yarn buildDeploy


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