A simple in-memory token manager for Express. You can store data in the token.
npm i token-manager-express
const TokenManager = require('token-manager-express');
const token = TokenManager.generate({
// default is 3hrs. set to false
// for no expiration
expireAfterSeconds: false,
// default is 64
size: 64,
// for convenience if you pass a function,
// it will give you the generated secret
data: ({ secret }) => ({
anotherField: `${secret}[moreData]`
// this is also valid:
data: {
anotherField: 'someData'
console.log(token.secret); // the secret
const express = require('express');
const TokenManager = require('token-manager-express');
// will accept and parse any type of request (ex. GET, POST, PUT, ...etc)
// On invalid token (optional). If not specified, TokenManager just
// ends the connection using `res.end()`
(req, res, next) => res.send('invalid token')
(req, res, next) => {
// we can only get here if the token is valid. TokenManager
// creates a token field in req.
const { token } = req;
console.log(token.data.anotherField); // `${secret}[moreData]`
console.log(req.body) // 'this data should only be visible to bearer'
// if it's a one time use token:
// You can now use the token to access the /data route
// For GET requests:
// For other type of requests:
request('/data', {
auth: {
bearer: token.secret
method: 'POST',
body: 'this data should only be visible to bearer',
json: true
init(): express.Handler;
* Ensures that the current request has a valid token.
ensureValidToken(onInvalidToken?: express.Handler): express.Handler;
generate<T extends {}>(opts: TokenOpts<T>): Token<T>;
invalidate<T>(token: Token<T> | string): boolean;
get<T extends {}>(secret: string): Token<T> | null;
exists(secret: string): boolean;
readonly Token: typeof Token;
readonly TokenManagerTag: Symbol;
constructor(opts: TokenOpts<T>);
readonly data: T;
readonly secret: string;
readonly secretUri: string;
readonly valid: boolean;
readonly expires: boolean;
invalidate(): void;