Programmatic access to linguistic literature
provides programmatic access to data buried in linguistic literature. Currently, this means
- bibliographies
- IGT examples
- books published with Language Science Press (if LaTeX sources are publicly available)
- papers published in Glossa (if XML downloads are publicly available)
does not come with any data (except some configuration), but it provides functionality to create and
curate repositories with the "raw" data per publication provider (see CLI). For Language Science Press such a repository
is publicly available at .
Install from PyPI with pip
pip install linglit
Some linglit
funtionality depends on other programs that need to be installed separately:
- Extracting data from LSP books requires bibtool.
- Creating a local repository of LSP data requires gh (but this is only necessary if you are not happy with the content in, which can simply be cloned or downloaded from a release).
Installing the linglit
python package will also install a commandline tool linglit
. All functionality is
provided by subcommands. To see a list of available subcommands, run
$ linglit -h
usage: linglit [-h] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] COMMAND ...
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
log level [ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG] (default: 20)
available commands:
Run "COMAMND -h" to get help for a specific command.
bib Show the bibliography of a publication
igt Show the IGT examples of a publication
update Update a linglit data repository
linglit update <PROVIDER> <DIRECTORY>
will load the raw data for a provider in the existing directory <DIRECTORY>
will print the bibliography of a publication in a serialization format roughly following the Unified Stylesheet for Linguistics.
$ linglit bib glossa ../../cldf_datasets/imtvault/raw/glossa/ 6371
Aissen, Judith. 2003. Differential object marking: Iconicity vs. economy. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 21. 435-483.
Ameka, Felix and de Witte, Carlien and Wilkins, David and Wilkins, David. 1999. Picture series for positional verbs: Eliciting the verbal component in locative descriptions. In Manual for the 1999 field season, 48-54. Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
Using the --bibtex
option will print out the bibliography formatted in BibTeX:
$ linglit bib glossa ../../cldf_datasets/imtvault/raw/glossa/ 6371 --bibtex
author = {Aissen, Judith},
year = {2003},
pages = {435-483},
doi = {10.1023/A:1024109008573},
title = {Differential object marking: Iconicity vs. economy},
journal = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory},
volume = {21}
author = {Ameka, Felix and de Witte, Carlien and Wilkins, David and Wilkins, David},
year = {1999},
pages = {48-54},
title = {Picture series for positional verbs: Eliciting the verbal component in locative descriptions},
booktitle = {Manual for the 1999 field season},
address = {Nijmegen},
publisher = {Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics}
will print the IGT examples from a publication.
$ linglit igt glossa ../../cldf_datasets/imtvault/raw/glossa/ 6371
(1) daww1239 (glossa6371: 1)
tir ka’ mãr [yeg ked/*rid/*∅)]
tir ka’ mãr [yeg ked/*rid/*∅)]
3SG REP [hammock in/*LOC/*∅]
‘He was lying in the hammock [inanimate noun], they say.’ (MS, ailla:254700, 20130724_historia_McS.wav, 4:30–4:46)’
(2) daww1239 (glossa6371: 2)
‘aa’ nẽed dôo’ [baal’ rid/*ked/ *∅)]
‘aa’ nẽed dôo’ [baal’ rid/*ked/ *∅)]
ANPH come AUX:source [Manaus LOC/*IN/*∅]
‘He came yesterday from Manaus [place name].’ (MFM, ailla:254700, 20130723_historia_MFM.wav, 6:50–7:30)’
provides a python API to access the content of different publication providers in a unified way. The
main point of access for data is a Repository
. Each provider is implemented as subclass of linglit.base.Repository
which can be retrieved by provider ID:
>>> from linglit import PROVIDERS
>>> repo_cls = PROVIDERS['langsci']
>>> langsci = repo_cls('langsci')
>>> print(langsci['17'])
Wilbur, Joshua 2014. A grammar of Pite Saami
Examples are modeled as instances of linglit.base.Example
. These can be accessed as follows:
>>> ex = langsci['17'].examples[10]
>>> print(ex.as_igt())
dä virtiv válldet giehpajd ja ribbrev ja dagarijd ulgos
dä virti-v vállde-t giehpa-jd ja ribbre-v ja dagari-jd ulgos
then must-1SG.PRS take-INF lung-ACC.PL and liver-ACC.SG and such-ACC.PL out
‘Then I have to take out the lungs, the liver and such things. 080909103’
References are modeled as pycldf.sources.Source
>>> src = langsci['17'].cited_references[5]
>>> print(src)
Grundström, Harald and Väisänen, A. O. 1958. Lapska sånger: Texter och melodier från svenska Lappland (Jonas Eriksson Steggos sånger). (Skrifter utgivna genom Landsmåls- och Folkminnesarkivet i Uppsala, 1.) Uppsala: Lundequistska bokhandeln.
>>> print(src.bibtex())
address = {Uppsala},
keywords = {Pite, Jojk, Musicology},
language = {Swedish and German and Pite Saami},
number = {1},
publisher = {Lundequistska bokhandeln},
series = {Skrifter utgivna genom Landsmåls- och Folkminne