This project is built using HTML5, and SCSS/SASS (CSS3).
I specifically avoided using Bootstrap, React, Angular, Vue, or other templates, frameworks, or libraries similar to these to provide a pure HTML/CSS project.
As a future project I may create a portfolio with a backend database that would be accessed via Angular or React. If you search my GitHub repository in the future (past March 2021) perhaps it will be around.
Build a portfolio web site using HTML5, SCSS/SASS,CSS3, and JavaScript. Include a landing page, contact page, project page, and an about page.
- HTML5 - Mozilla developer guide for HTML5.
- SCSS/SASS - Sass is a stylesheet language that's compiled to CSS.
- CSS3 - Cascading Style Sheets latest official version.
All of the following technologies, tools, topics, etc. were used for this project.
- JavaScript
- CSS3
- Transitions
- Grid
- Flex
- Flexbox
- Media Query / Responsiveness
- NPM Package Manager
- Git
- Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- Web Site
- Code
- Hosted on Netlify utilizing GitHub's Netlify App
Curt Grogan - Full Stack Developer
- GitHub:
- LinkedIn:
Traversy Media - Youtube series by Brad Traversy. I watched Brad's video series linked here.