Get registered domain from the Public Suffix List.
From country to country domain tld changes. There is no algorithm which can detect domain names. PublicSuffixBundle grabs the registered domain name from an valid URL depending on the registered domains list at
An excerpt from
A "public suffix" is one under which Internet users can directly register
names. Some examples of public suffixes are .com, and
The Public Suffix List is a list of all known public suffixes.
The Public Suffix List is an initiative of Mozilla, but is maintained as
a community resource. It is available for use in any software, but was
originally created to meet the needs of browser manufacturers.
This Bundle depends on the php library of It is uploaded
to Github by Leth
Add these repositories to your project's deps:
[registered-domains-php] git= target=/registered-domains-php [ClicktrendPublicSuffixBundle] git=git:// target=/bundles/Clicktrend/ClicktrendPublicSuffixBundle
namespace to your autoloader:// app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( 'Clicktrend\PublicSuffixBundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', // your other namespaces );
Add this bundle to your application kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { return array( // ... new Clicktrend\PublicSuffixBundle\ClicktrendPublicSuffixBundle(), // ... ); }
Install vendors:
$ php bin/vendors install
Download and update public suffix list. This command publicsuffix:update
creates/updates config file located at Resources/config/tlds.xml
$ php app/console publicsuffix:update
Get service and parse URL:
$ps = $this->getContainer()->get('publicsuffix');
print $ps->getHost();
print $ps->getDomain();
print $ps->getSubdomain();
print $ps->getTld();