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Juho Teperi edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

Random collection of decisions from issues and Slack discussions:

  • No packages against forks

    • It is okay if the original is abandoned and the fork is de-facto new repo
    • If the fork is fork some specific change / fix which is not going to be merged / not merged yet upstream, and you need it, you should package it yourself. Cljsjs is not doing anything special so you can as well just publish the package yourself on Clojars and use that.
  • Preferably package against released versions

    • Preferable use Git tags or such when downloading the files
    • If you need some unreleased version, it should be okay to package it but you should take care when deciding the version
      • Ask the author for a new release
      • When packaging from Git repo a good practice is to use the short sha in the version: 0.1.2-6f73300-0 (version-sha-build).
      • If the package is not in Git repo, you could use date in yyyyMMdd format: 0.1.2-20160614-0