The Operation Tool for Cloud-Migrator System Runtime
CM-Mayfly is currently under development.
So, we do not recommend using the current release in production.
Please note that the functionalities of CM-Mayfly are not stable and secure yet.
If you have any difficulties in using CM-Mayfly, please let us know.
(Open an issue or Join the Cloud-Migrator Slack)
This management tool provides and is expected to provide the following features:
- Builds and controls the infrastructure of the Cloud-Migrator system.
- Monitors the execution status of the sub-framework.
- Provides the ability to call REST APIs offered by the sub-framework.
- Kubernetes (k8s) will be supported in the future.
Ubuntu 20.04
or later- Tested by Ubuntu 20.04
Golang 1.23
or later- Tested by go version go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
Docker Compose v2.21
or later- Tested by Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b and Docker Compose version v2.21.0
Build a binary for mayfly using Makerfile
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
Choose one of the commands below for the target OS you want to build for.
$ cm-mayfly$ make
$ cm-mayfly$ make win
$ cm-mayfly$ make mac
$ cm-mayfly$ make linux-arm
$ cm-mayfly$ make win86
$ cm-mayfly$ make mac-arm
cm-mayfly$ make clean
For now, it supports docker / rest / api sub-commands.
Use the -h option at the end of the sub-command requiring assistance, or executing 'mayfly' without any options will display the help manual.
$ ./mayfly -h
The mayfly is a tool to operate Cloud-Migrator system.
mayfly [command]
Available Commands:
api Call the Cloud-Migrator system's Open APIs as services and actions
help Help about any command
infra Installing and managing cloud-migrator's infrastructure
rest rest api call
-h, --help help for mayfly
Use "mayfly [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For more detailed explanations, see the articles below.
A quick guide on how to easily build a Cloud-Migrator infrastructure.
If you need a more detailed explanation, check out the article below.
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
Some subsystems require initial setup for configuration.
The mc-data-manager
subsystem requires authentication information to use CSP
. Currently, only the configuration method using the profile.json file
is supported. Therefore, if you wish to use mc-data-manager, make sure to register the CSP-specific authentication information
in the ./conf/docker/conf/mc-data-manger/data/var/run/data-manager/profile/profile.json
file before setting up the infrastructure.
If necessary, you can also modify the contents of the profile.json file after the infrastructure has been set up.
$ ./cm-mayfly infra run
$ ./cm-mayfly infra info