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A cloudFPGA project built upon the shell Kale.

ℹ️ The cloudFPGA documentation is available at


The integration of a user application and a cloudFPGA shell into a top-level design is what constitutes a cloudFPGA project.

This project builds on the shell Kale which is a shell with minimalist support for accessing the hardware components of the FPGA instance, and a role that implements a set of TCP and UDP loopback mechanisms for echoing the incoming traffic and forwarding it back to its emitter.

This setup corresponds to an FPGA server implementing only two UDP and TCP echo services. The FPGA accepts connections on port 8803 and echoes every incoming lines back to the client (using the carriage-return/line-feed sequence as line separator). The resulting traffic scenario is shown in the following figure.

Setup-of-the cFp_HelloKale project


In cloudFPGA (cF), a user application is referred to as a ROLE and is integrated along with a SHELL that abstracts the hardware components of the FPGA module. The combination of a specific ROLE and its associated SHELL into a toplevel design (TOP) is referred to as a Shell-Role-Architecture (SRA).

The shell-role-architecture used by the project cFp_HelloKale is shown in the following figure. It consists of:

Block diagram of the BringUpTop

Toplevel block diagram of the cFp_HelloKale project


  • The shell Kale does not support Partial Reconfiguration (PR). It was specifically developed for the bring-up of a new FPGA module or for the deployment of a static implementation. As a result, the generated bitstream is always a static bitstream. Refer to the project cFp_HelloThemisto for an example of a shell that supports PR.
  • The static nature of the generated bitstream precludes its deployment over the datacenter network and requires the use of a JTAG interface to download and configure the FPGA.

How to build the project

The current directory contains a Makefile which handles all the required steps to generate a bitfile (a.k.a bitstream). During the build, both SHELL and ROLE dependencies are analyzed to solely re-compile and re-synthesize the components that must be recreated.

    $ SANDBOX=`pwd`  (a short for your working directory)

⚠️ The following build procedure is only compatible with Vivado 2017.4 to 2020.1 versions included (for the time being).

Step-1: Clone the project

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}
    $ git clone --recursive
        (if you don't have a GitHub account and/or SSH keys set up, use the command: 
         git clone --recursive     
    $ cd cFp_HelloKale/cFDK
    $ git checkout main
    $ cd ../..

Step-2: Setup your environment

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale
    $ source env/

Step-3: Generate a static bitstream

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale
    $ make monolithic

The build is successful if you get the following message after ~90 minutes, indicating that a bitsream was generated. You will find this newly created bitstream in the folder ${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale/dcps, under the name 4_topFMKU60_impl_default_monolithic.bit.

    <cloudFPGA> ################################################################################
    <cloudFPGA> ################################################################################
    <cloudFPGA> End at: HH:MM:SS Day Month Day Year

Step-3.1: Save a checkpoint (optional)

If the design was successfully implemented, you can opt to save its corresponding checkpoint in the './dcps' directory. This will accelerate the next build by exploiting the incremental place-and-route features of Vivado.

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale
    $ make save_mono_incr

To request an incremental build, use the command $ make monolithic_incr instead of $ make monolithic.

How to deploy a cloudFPGA instance

Step-4: Upload the generated bitstream

In order to program a cloudFPGA instance with your newly generated bitfile, you first need to upload it to the cloudFPGA Resource Manager (cFRM). The below step-4a and step-4b cover the two offered options for uploading a bitstream.

Step-4a: Upload image with the GUI-API

The cloudFPGA resource manager provides a web-based graphical user interface to its API. It is available as a Swagger UI at

To upload your generated bitstream, expand the Swagger menu Images and the operation [POST] ​/images - Upload an image. Then, fill in the requested fields as exemplified below.


Next, scroll down to the "Response body section of the server and write down the image "id" for use in the next step.


Step-4b: Upload image with the cFSP-API

The second option for uploading a bitstream is based on a command-line interface to the cFRM API. This method is provided by the cloudFPGA Support Package (cFSP) which must be installed beforehand as follows:

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}
    $ git clone
    $ cd cFSP
    $ which python3     # (we recommend python 3.6 or higher) 
    $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 cfenv
    $ source cfenv/bin/activate
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Once the cFSP is installed, you must add your cloudFPGA credentials as follows. with the following command:

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp user load --username=<YOUR_USERNAME> --password=<YOUR_PASSWORD> --project=<YOUR_PROJECTNAME>

The credentials consist of the username, the password and the projectname that were provided to you when you registered. The above command creates a file called user.json containing these credentials as depicted by the output of this command:

    0%|                                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]INFO: Repeat #0
    Writing credentials template to ./user.json
    100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 3305.20it/s]    

You can watch the content of the credential file with:

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp user show
    0%|                                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]INFO: Repeat #0
    User     : YOUR_USERNAME
    Password : YOUR_PASSWORD
    100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 5801.25it/s]    

Finally, upload the generated bitstream located in the dcps folder of the ${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale project.

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp image post --image_file=${SANDBOX}/cFp_HelloKale/dcps/4_topFMKU60_impl_default_monolithic.bit

Similarly to the GUI-API procedure, do not forget to write down the image id returned by the server (e.g. '842d2c6b-33d4-454c-8255-f4b127bd9cf3').

     0%|                                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]INFO: Repeat #0
    {'breed': None,
     'comment': None,
     'fpga_board': None,
     'id': '842d2c6b-33d4-454c-8255-f4b127bd9cf3',
     'shell_type': None}
    100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.91s/it]

Step-5: Request a cloudFPGA instance and deploy it

Now that your FPGA image has been uploaded to the cFRM, you can request a cloudFPGA instance to be programmed and deployed with it. The below step-5a and step-5b will cover both possible options to create a new cF instance.

Step-5a: Create an instance with the GUI-API

To create an instance via the GUI-API, point your web browser at

Expand the Swagger menu Instances and the operation [POST] ​/instances - Create an instance. Then, fill in the requested fields as exemplified below.


Next, scroll down to the server's response and write down the "role_ip" for later accessing your instance.


Step-5b: Create an instance with the cFSP-API

To create a similar instance via the cFSP-API, enter the following command:

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp instance post --image_id=31a0d56e-6037-415f-9b13-6b4e625e9a29

Next, and similarly to the GUI-API procedure, do not forget to write down the role_ip (e.g. '') and the instance_id (e.g. '76') returned by the server.

     0%|                                                                                                                | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]INFO: Repeat #0
    {'fpga_board': 'FMKU60',
     'image_id': '842d2c6b-33d4-454c-8255-f4b127bd9cf3',
     'instance_id': 76,
     'project_name': 'cf_ALL',
     'role_ip': '',
     'shell_type': 'NO_SRA',
     'slot_num': 15,
     'status': 'USED',
     'user_id': 'cfdummy'}
    100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [01:20<00:00, 80.94s/it]

How to access your cloudFPGA instance

Step-6: Ping the deployed FPGA

Now that you retrieved the IP address of your FPGA instance in step-5, it is good practise to ping your deployed FPGA and assess its availability.

Use the following command to ping the FPGA with its IP address (retrieved in Step-5).

    $ ping <role_ip>        (e.g. ping

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=1.26 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=0.900 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=0.837 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=0.780 ms

Step-7: Network tools and Socket communication

As mentioned above, the role of the project cFp_HelloKale implements a set of TCP-, UDP- and DDR4-oriented tests and functions. These features can be called or exercised from a remote host via network tools and network communication sockets as explained in the following two links:

How to cleanup (optional)

Step-8: How to remove a bitstream from the image database (optional)

To remove a bitfile from the cFRM database, use either of the following two procedures.

Step-8a: Delete an image with the GUI-API

Expand the operation [DELETE] ​/images/{image_id} - Delete an image of the Swagger menu Images, and fill in the requested fields as exemplified below.


💡 You can retrieve a list of all your images by expanding the [GET] ​/images - Get all images of a user of the Swagger menu Images and providing your credentials.

Step-8b: Delete the image with the cFSP-API

The second option offered to you is use the command-line interface to the cFRM API.

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp image delete <id>  # E.g. "31a0d56e-6037-415f-9b13-6b4e625e9a29"

Step-9: How to delete an instance (optional)

To end an instance and return it to cFRM's pool of resources, use either of the following two procedures.

Step-9a: Delete an instance with the GUI-API

Expand the operation [DELETE] ​/instances/{instance_id} - Remove an instance of the Swagger menu Instances, and fill in the requested fields as exemplified below.


💡 You can retrieve a list of all your instances by expanding the [GET] ​/instances - Get all instances of a user of the Swagger menu Instances and providing your credentials.

Step-9b: Delete the instance with the cFSP-API

The second option offered to you is use the command-line interface to the cFRM API.

    $ cd ${SANDBOX}/cFSP
    $ ./cfsp instance delete <instance_id>  # E.g. "17"


A 'Hello world' project based upon the shell 'Kale'







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Contributors 3
