cFp_Zoo is a cloudFPGA project (cFp) featuring domain-specific accelerators for the hybrid multi-cloud era.
Idea: The cFp_Zoo
project develops numerous domain-specific accelerators, incuding those from the open source library Vitis Libraries to the cloudFPGA platform.
Assuming Ubuntu >16.04 the folowing packages should be installed:
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential pkg-config libxml2-dev python3-opencv libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libopencv-dev libopencv-contrib-dev rename rpl dialog cmake swig python3-dev python3.8-venv gcc-multilib(=for vitis)
You may also need these steps for Ubuntu 18.04 & Vitis 2019.2 :
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62
sudo apt-get install ./libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
rm ./libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install cmake opencv-devel dialog python-numpy libxml2-devel python3 wireshark wireshark-gnome xauth rpl
The versions below are supported by cFp_Zoo.
- 2017
- 2017.4
- 2018
- 2019
- 2019.1
- 2019.2
- 2020
- 2020.1
- 2020.2
- 2021
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2019.1
- 2019.2
- 2020
- 2020.1
- 2020.2
- 2021
cFp_Zoo features several accelerated functionalities in the form of libraries which include:
- the C++ code that can be synthesized through Xilinx Vivado HLS tool into RTL code and further implemented into a network-attached FPGA through cFDK. This code is under the ROLE directory.
- the C++ and/or Python host code, which can be executed on a bare-metal or VM-based host, which is in the same network with the aforementioned network-attached FPGA, and interact with it using network sockets. This code is under the HOST directory.
We provide support for the following libraries:
The following accelerated libraries are developed from IBM ZRL and are supported by cFp_Zoo:
The following Vitis accelerated libraries are supported by cFp_Zoo:
- Codec
- Database
- Data Analytics
- Data Compression
- Graph
- Quantitative Finance
- Security
- Solver
- Sparce
- Utilities
- Vision
We provide a 6-steps flow to create an FPGA bitstream with a cFp_Zoo accelerated application and and launch it on cloudFPGA platform.
git clone --recursive
cd cFp_Zoo
source env/
After configuring a project with a selected accerelated kernel, you can initiate the synthesis and bitstream generation by issuing the following command:
make monolithic
You find your newly created bitstream in the folder cFp_Zoo/dcps
, under the name 4_topFMKU60_impl_<ROLE>_monolithic.bit
After generated a bitstream you can upload it to the cloudFPGA Resource Manager (cFRM). There are two ways to interact with cFRM:
- A web-based graphical user interface to cFRM's API. It is available as a Swagger UI at
- A command-line tool which interacts with cFRM's API: cFSP.
Here we cover the 2nd option, i.e. cFSP.
Upload the image
$ ./cfsp image post --image_file=<path>/cFp_Zoo/4_topFMKU60_impl_vision_monolithic.bit
Write down the image "id" for use in the next step, e.g.
After uploading a bitstream you can program an FPGA with it. In addition, to launch the application you need a host where you can execute the software that interacts with this FPGA. Both the host and the FPGA need to be in the same network to communicate through network sockets. To help with such configurations, we have extended cFRM with the ability to create clusters
of hosts and FPGAs.
Assuming you want to create a cluster with
- one CPU node from ZYC2 with
- one FPGA from cloudFPGA platform with the previously uloaded FPGA image with id
./cfsp cluster post --image_id=74462cd5-20e3-4228-a47d-258b7e5e583a --node_ip=
Write down the "role_ip" for later accessing your cluster's FPGA. e.g.
Then you need to login to the host:
ssh centos@
Prepare the environment to execute the host software:
git clone --recursive
cd cFp_Zoo
source env/
Execute the host software (e.g. for the harris
kernel of vision
cd HOST/vision/harris/languages/cplusplus
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
make -j 4
./harris_host 2718 <image.png>
Some firewalls may block network packets if there is not a connection to the remote machine/port. Hence, to get the Triangle example to work, the following commands may be necessary to be executed (as root):
$ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2718-2750/udp --permanent
$ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2718-2750/tcp --permanent
$ firewall-cmd --reload
Also, ensure that the network secuirty group settings are updated (e.g. in case of the ZYC2 OpenStack).
Connect to ZYC2 network through openvpn:
sudo openvpn --config zyc2-vpn-user.ovpn --auth-user-pass up-user
Connect to a ZYC2 x86 node:
ssh -Y ubuntu@
On Wireshark filter line:
ip.addr ==
Set maximum net buffer:
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2147483647
- On the host code (cpp)
//increase buffer size int recvBufSize = 0x1000000; int err = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &recvBufSize, sizeof(recvBufSize)); if(err != 0) { std::cerr <<" error socket buffer: " << err << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int real_buffer_size = 0; socklen_t len2 = sizeof(real_buffer_size); err = getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &real_buffer_size, &len2); printf("got %d as buffer size (requested %d)\n",real_buffer_size/2, recvBufSize); if(real_buffer_size/2 != recvBufSize) { std::cerr << "set SO_RCVBUF failed! got only: " << real_buffer_size/2 << "; trying to continue..." << std::endl; }
Quick bitgen:
sometimes it accelerates the build process of
make monolithic
if: execute after a successfull buildmake save_mono_incr
and then build the new withmake monolithic_incr
ormake monolithic_debug_incr
Update subrepositories (e.g. for Vitis_Libraries)
On the pc that you want to change the subrepo to a new version
cd Vitis_Libraries git checkout origin master` (or any other version) git commit -am "Updated Vitis_Libraries to master"
On the pc you want to sync with the new subrepo
git submodule update --init -- Vitis_Libraries/
Add user to wireshark group in order to capture packets without advanced privileges. (needs logout)
sudo usermod -aG wireshark $USER