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Pravin Pushkar edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 7 revisions

The steps below describe the procedure for deploying the Abacus Broker.

  1. Clone the repo in your workspace:

    cd ~/workspace
    git clone
    cd cf-abacus-broker
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Build the project

    cd abacus/
    npm run provision
    cd ..
    npm run provision
  3. Change the broker's manifest.yml by changing the values below:

    API: https://api.<mydomain>.com:443
    AUTH_SERVER: https://uaa.<mydomain>.com
    BROKER_USER: <user>
    BROKER_PASSWORD: <password>
    COLLECTOR: abacus-usage-collector
    CONF: <abacus profile>
    DASHBOARD_CLIENT_ID: abacus-service-dashboard
    DASHBOARD_REDIRECT_URI: https://*abacus-service-dashboard.<mydomain>/manage/instances/*
    DASHBOARD_URI: https://abacus-service-dashboard.<mydomain>/manage/instances/
    DEBUG: e-abacus-*
    EUREKA: abacus-eureka-plugin
    PROVISIONING: abacus-provisioning-plugin
    SERVICE_BROKER_CLIENT_ID: abacus-broker
  4. Change the dashboard manifest.yml using these values:

    AUTH_SERVER: https://uaa.<mydomain>.com
    CF_CLIENT_ID: abacus-service-dashboard
    CF_CLIENT_SECRET: <secret>
    CF_COOKIE_SECRET: <cookie secret>
    CONF: <abacus profile>
    DEBUG: e-abacus-*
    PROVISIONING: abacus-provisioning-plugin

    Deploying Custom Themes for Dashboard (Optional)

  5. Create a security group (optional)

    The broker requires access to Cloud Foundry API. If your Cloud Foundry deployment is not using LB, but rather ha_proxy with a floating IP from a private network you would need to allow access to it. This can be configured in a security group specified in groups.json file.

           "destination": "<floating_ip_address>",
           "ports": "443",
           "protocol": "tcp"
  6. Execute the following commands:

    cf create-security-group cf-api-access groups.json
    cf bind-security-group cf-api-access <abacus-ext-cf-broker-org> <abacus-ext-cf-broker-space>

    where abacus-ext-cf-broker-org and abacus-ext-cf-broker-space are the organization and space, where you are going to push the application.

  7. Create UAA clients

    We need to add UAA clients for Broker and Dashboard applications:

    uaac client add abacus-broker -s <secret> --authorized_grant_types client_credentials --authorities clients.admin,clients.write --scope clients.write,clients.admin
    uaac client add abacus-service-dashboard -s <secret> --authorized_grant_types authorization_code,refresh_token --redirect_uri 'https://*abacus-service-dashboard.<mydomain>/manage/instances/*' --authorities,abacus.usage.write,uaa.none --scope openid,,,,abacus.usage.write

    Please take care to update the secrets of the clients above.

    The UAA clients name and secret must match the values provided in the manifest. The dashboard UAA client's redirect_uri must match the host chosen for the dashboard application.

    You can run uaac client add <client_name> -i to create the UAA client interactively.

  8. Run the following commands:

    export ADDITIONAL_PACK_DIR="abacus/lib"
    export ABACUS_ROOT=`pwd`
    cd lib/cf/broker
    npm install
    npm run cfpack
    npm run cfpush
    cf start abacus-ext-cf-broker
    cf create-service-broker abacus-ext-cf-broker $BROKER_USER $BROKER_PASSWORD https://abacus-ext-cf-broker.<domain>
    cf enable-service-access metering
    cf start abacus-service-dashboard

    where $BROKER_USER and $BROKER_PASSWORD are defined in the manifest.yml and <domain> is the landscape apps domain.

Next Step

Using the Project