Diego v0.1442.0
Changes from v0.1441.0 to v0.1442.0
- Depends on garden-linux-release v0.328.0.
- Depends on etcd-release v18.
Significant changes
- tps_watcher does not reconnect to the BBS when its session dies
- Fix metron properties in bosh-lite manifest generation
- Remove DATs that are redundant with CATs
- operator should be able to verify that when creating an app with ports and diego:true, requests to the cell host port are received by the app on the requested port
- Update cflinuxfs2 stack in diego-release to 1.18.0+
- cloudfoundry-incubator/consuladapter #1: Add KillWithFire func
- cloudfoundry-incubator/consuladapter #2: Add new line after build flag OR #3: Fix consulrunner build tags for Windows
- cloudfoundry-incubator/rep #5: Use KillWithFire to stop consul on Windows
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes