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Jenkins® pipeline shared library for automating deployments via GitOps.
Take a look at cloudogu/k8s-gitops-playground to see a fully working example bundled with the complete infrastructure for a GitOps deep dive.
See also our blog post that describes the challenges leading to this library and some of the features it offers.

Use Case

Use Case realised by this library:

  • Separation of app repo and GitOps repo
  • Infrastructure as Code is maintained in app repo,
  • CI Server writes to GitOps repo and creates PullRequests.
  • Lots of convenience features
  • Same Pipeline API for different GitOps tools


  • Write Kubernetes resources to a git™ repo (for a GitOps operator to pick them up) and creates PRs.
  • Opinionated conventions for folder structures and workflows.
  • Support for multiple stages within the same GitOps Repo
    • Push to application branch and create PR (production) or
    • Push to main branch (e.g. "main") directly for staging deployment
  • Support for different GitOps tools/operators/vendors
    • ArgoCD
    • Flux v1
  • Deployment methods
    • Plain Kubernetes resources - write image tag into kubernetes deployments dynamically
      • add files to deployment which will be generated to a configmap
    • Helm deployments - set values (e.g. image tag) dynamically
      • add custom k8s resources
      • Support for different Helm-Repository types: Helm, Git
  • Convert files into Kubernetes config maps. This way you can edit them using full highlighting and linting support of your IDE.
  • Fail early: Validate YAML syntax (yamllint) and against Kubernetes schema (kubeval) as well as Helm charts (helmKubeval)
  • Pluggable validators: Simply add your own validators
  • Extensible SCM providers
    • SCM-Manager
    • Other can easily be added due to an abstraction layer


The following examples range from simple to real-life and should help you get started.

Detailed instructions about the attributes can be found here.


This will simply validate and deploy the resources from the source repo's k8s folder (see folder structure into the GitOps repo, implementing two stages (see stages) using SCM-Manager (see SCM provider).

def gitopsConfig = [
    scm: [
        provider:       'SCMManager',
        credentialsId:  'scmm-user',
        baseUrl:        'http://scmm-scm-manager/scm',
        repositoryUrl:  'gitops'
    application: 'spring-petclinic',
    gitopsTool: 'FLUX' /* or 'ARGO' */,
    stages: [
        staging: [
            namespace: 'staging',
            deployDirectly: true
        production: [
            namespace: 'production',
            deployDirectly: false
    deployments: [
        plain     : []


More options

The following is an example shows all options of a GitOps-config for a helm-deployment of an application. This would lead to a deployment of your staging environment by updating the resources of "staging" folder within your GitOps-folder in git. For production it will open a PR with the changes.

def gitopsConfig = [
    k8sVersion: '1.24.8', /* Default: '1.24.8' */
    scm: [
        provider:       'SCMManager',
        credentialsId:  'scmm-user',
        baseUrl:        'http://scmm-scm-manager/scm',
        repositoryUrl:  'gitops'
    cesBuildLibRepo: <cesBuildLibRepo> /* Default: '' */ ,
    cesBuildLibVersion: <cesBuildLibVersion> /* Default: a recent cesBuildLibVersion see deployViaGitops.groovy */ ,
    cesBuildLibCredentialsId: <cesBuildLibCredentialsId> /* Default: '', empty due to default public github repo */,
    application: 'spring-petclinic',
    gitopsTool: 'FLUX' /* or 'ARGO' */
    mainBranch: 'master' /* Default: 'main' */, 
    deployments: [
        sourcePath: 'k8s' /* Default: 'k8s' */,
        destinationRootPath: '.' /* Default: '.' */,
        /* See docs for helm or plain k8s deployment options */
        helm : [
            repoType : 'HELM',
            credentialsId : 'creds',
            mainBranch : 'main', /* Default: 'main' */, 
            repoUrl  : <helmChartRepository>,
            chartName: <helmChartName>,
            version  : <helmChartVersion>,
            updateValues  : [[fieldPath: "", newValue: imageName]]
    folderStructureStrategy: 'GLOBAL_ENV', /* or ENV_PER_APP */
    stages: [
        staging: [ 
            namespace: 'my-staging',
            deployDirectly: true
        production: [
            namespace: 'my-production',
            deployDirectly: false 
    validators        : [
        /* Enalbed by default. Example on how to deactivate one.
         * See docs for more info on validators  */
        yamllint: [
            enabled  : false


Real life examples




Two parts need completion in order to get up and running with the library:

  • Trigger the library in your build, which writes infrastructure code into your GitOps-repo.
  • Set up the GitOps-tool, so it deploys the infrastructure code from your GitOps-repo.


At first you have to import the library. You can either use one of the following options:

  • library() when the library is being loaded from a private git
  • @Library works out of the box with pipeline-github-lib plugin to load the library from github

First option can be used when the build-lib is mirrored or cloned onto your own git. You only need to provide the remote url and the desired version.

gitOpsBuildLib = library(identifier: "gitops-build-lib@<gitOpsBuildLibVersion>",
    retriever: modernSCM([$class: 'GitSCMSource', remote: <gitOpsBuildLibRepo>])

If you can access the internet or just dont want to mirror the repo you can just import it directly from github using the pipeline-github-lib plugin plugin.

import com.cloudogu.gitops.gitopsbuildlib.*

To utilize the library itself, there is little to do:

  • Setup a gitopsConfig containing the following sections
    • properties (e.g. remote urls to scm, application, GitOps-tool, etc.)
    • stages
    • deployments
    • validators
    • fileConfigMaps
  • Call deployViaGitops(gitopsConfig)


Having the library write the configuration into your GitOps-repository is the first part. Next, make your GitOps-tool deploy it. Obviously this setup depends on the GitOps-tool used.

The library hides some implementation specifics of the individual tools. For example, for Flux, it creates HelmRelease CRs, for argo it calls helm template, see Helm.

Flux v1

You can make this library work with Flux v1 with the following steps:

  • Create a repository in your SCM for the payload of your applications
  • Configure the Flux operator to use this repository
  • If you want to use Helm applications you will need a Helm operator because this library is creating HelmRelease CRs

See Example for operator configurations in GitOps Playground
See Example application with Flux v1


You can make this library work with your ArgoCD with the following steps:

  • Create a repository in your SCM for the payload of your applications
  • Add this repository to your ArgoCD configuration
  • Add application definitions for the different stages of your application e.g. (your staging application):
    kind: Application
      name: petclinic-staging
      namespace: argocd
        namespace: argocd-staging
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
      project: petclinic
        path: staging/spring-petclinic
        repoURL: http://scm/repo/gitops
        targetRevision: main
          recurse: true
        automated: {}
  • Configure the payload repository through the scm key in your gitopsconfig

See Example of ArgoCD configuration in GitOps Playground
See Example of ArgoCD application in GitOps Playground

Default Folder Structure in source repository

A default project structure in your application repo could look like the examples below. Make sure you have your k8s and/or helm resources bundled in a folder. This specific resources folder (here k8s) will later be specified by the sourcePath within the deployments section of your GitOpsConfig.


├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── production
        │   ├── deployment.yaml
        │   └── service.yaml
        └── staging
            ├── deployment.yaml
            └── service.yaml


├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── production
        │   ├── configMap.yaml
        │   └── secrets
        │       ├── secret2.yaml
        │       └── secret.yaml
        ├── staging
        │   ├── configMap.yaml
        │   └── secrets
        │       ├── secret2.yaml
        │       └── secret.yaml
        ├── values-production.yaml
        ├── values-shared.yaml
        └── values-staging.yaml


The GitOps-config is basically a groovy map following conventions to have a descriptive way of defining deployments. You can find a complete yet simple example here.


First of all there are some mandatory properties e.g. the information about your GitOps-repository, the application repository and the GitOps-tool to be used.

  • application: 'spring-petclinic' - Name of the application. Used as a folder in GitOps-repo
  • gitopsTool: 'ARGO' - Name of the GitOps tool. Currently supporting 'FLUX' (for now only fluxV1) and 'ARGO'.
  • and some optional parameters (below are the defaults) for the configuration of the dependency to the ces-build-lib or the default name for the git branch:
    • cesBuildLibRepo: ''
    • cesBuildLibVersion: '1.62.0'
    • mainBranch: 'main'
  • Optional: k8sVersion: '1.24.8' Is used for target k8s version in helm template in Argo CD deployments with helm. Is also used to determine the kubectl version, when no specific buildImage is specified.
    It is recommended to use a Jenkins environment variable to specify the version, so that you don't have to bump every pipeline after a k8s version upgrade in your cluster, e.g.
def gitopsConfig = [  
    k8sVersion: env.K8S_VERSION_TEAM_A  

Build Images

The GitOps-build-lib uses some docker images internally (To run Helm or Kubectl commands and specific Validators inside a docker container).
All of these have set default images, but you can change them if you wish to.

def gitopsConfig = [
    buildImages: [
        // These are used to run helm and kubectl commands in the core logic
        helm: '',
        // if you specify k8sVersion parameter, then by default bitnami/kubectl:${k8sVersion} will be used
        kubectl: 'bitnami/kubectl:1.24.8',
        // These are used for each specific validator via an imageRef property inside the validators config. See [Validators] for examples.
        kubeval: '',
        helmKubeval: '',
        yamllint: 'cytopia/yamllint:1.25-0.9'

Optional - if image is in a private repository, you can pass a credentialsId for pulling images.

def gitopsConfig = [
        buildImages: [
            helm: [ 
                image: '',
                credentialsId: 'myCredentials'
            // ...

If you should need to add addition arguments to docker run you can do so globally by setting ADDITIONAL_DOCKER_RUN_ARGS as global properties at https://your-jenkins/manage/configure#global-properties.
This can be used to globally fix certain bugs in Jenkins agents or their docker config.


The GitOps-build-lib supports builds on multiple stages. A stage is defined by a name and contains a namespace (used to generate the resources) and a deployment-flag:

def gitopsConfig = [
        stages: [
            staging: [
                namespace: 'staging',
                deployDirectly: true
            production: [
                namespace: 'production',
                deployDirectly: false

If it is set to deploy directly it will commit and push to your desired GitOps-folder and therefore triggers a deployment. If it is set to false it will create a PR on your GitOps-folder. Remember there are important conventions regarding namespaces and the folder structure (see namespaces).


You need to specify a namespace for each stage for Helm deployments. For Plain you just need it if you add extra Files. If no namespace is specified, the library uses the gitopsConfig.stages.${yourStage} as the namespace. But beware if you use special characters then you need to use single ticks:

def gitopsConfig = [
        stages: [
                'xx-staging': [],
                'xx-production': []

Otherwise every stage can be defined with an additional namespace property:

def gitopsConfig = [
        stages: [
                staging: [
                        namespace: 'xx-staging'
                production: [
                        namespace: 'xx-production'

Important note

Under your gitopsConfig.deployments.sourcePath (here k8s) the subfolders have to be named exactly as the stages under gitopsConfig.stages. The same applies to the values-* files if you have a Helm application.

So if you have a config looking like:

def gitopsConfig = [
        stages: [
                'xx-staging': [],
                'xx-production': []

Then your folder structure has to look like: For Plain:

├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── xx-production
        │   ├── deployment.yaml
        │   └── service.yaml
        └── xx-staging
            ├── deployment.yaml
            └── service.yaml

For Helm:

├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── xx-production
        │   ├── {extraResources}
        └── xx-staging
            ├── {extraResources}
        ├── values-shared.yaml
        ├── values-xx-production.yaml
        ├── values-xx-staging.yaml

Or if you use namespaces:

def gitopsConfig = [
        stages: [
                staging: [
                        namespace: 'xx-staging'
                production: [
                        namespace: 'xx-production'

Then your folder structure has to look like:

For Plain:

├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── production
        │   ├── deployment.yaml
        │   └── service.yaml
        └── staging
            ├── deployment.yaml
            └── service.yaml

For Helm:

├── application
    ├── config.yamllint.yaml // not necessarily needed
    ├── Jenkinsfile
    └── k8s
        ├── production
        │   ├── {extraResources}
        └── staging
            ├── {extraResources}
        ├── values-shared.yaml
        ├── values-production.yaml
        ├── values-staging.yaml

Conventions for stages

  • Stage name is used to identify the yamls to be used:

    ${deployments.sourcePath}/values-<stage>.yaml + ${deployments.sourcePath}/values-shared.yaml For now we only support one values-shared.yaml which will be used for all namespaces and one additional values file for each namespace values-${stage}.yaml


The deployment has to contain the path of your k8s resources within the application and either a config section for plain-k8s resources or for helm resources.

def gitopsConfig = [
        deployments: [
            sourcePath: 'k8s', // path of k8s resources in application repository. Default: 'k8s'
            destinationRootPath: '.', // Root-Subfolder in the gitops repository, where the following folders for stages and apps shall be created. Default: '.'
            // Either "plain" or "helm" is mandatory
            plain: [], // use plain if you only have, as the name suggests, plain k8s resources
            helm: [] // or if you want to deploy a helm release use `helm`

Plain k8s deployment

You can utilize the build-lib to enable builds based on plain k8s resources

def gitopsConfig = [
        deployments: [
                plain: [
                    updateImages: [
                            filename: "deployment.yaml", // the files need to be in the gitopsConfig.deployments.sourcePath folder and in each of their own namespace folder e.g. k8s/staging/deployment.yaml
                            containerName: 'application',
                            imageName: 'imageName'

In plain pipelines, the library creates the deployment resources by updating the image tag within the deployment.

Note that this works with Kubernetes Deployments, StatefulSets and CronJobs. For all other kinds of resources the library tries to find the containers at the following YAML path: spec.template.spec.containers. This might fail, of course. If you encounter a case like this, please create an issue. Eventually, we're planning to provide a fieldPath option just like in helm releases.

Helm deployment

Besides plain k8s resources you can also use helm charts to generate the resources. You can choose between these types of helm-repository-types:

  • Helm Repository
  • Git Repository
  • Local

Helm Chart from Helm Repository

The repoType: HELM, which is used to load tgz from helm-repositories.

def gitopsConfig = [
        deployments: [
                helm: [
                    repoType: 'HELM',
                    repoUrl: '',
                    credentialsId: 'creds',
                    version: '7.1.6',
                    chartName: 'nginx',
                    updateValues: [[fieldPath: "", newValue: imageName]]

Helm Chart from Git Repository

The repoType: GIT can be used to load charts from a specific Git-Repository.

def gitopsConfig = [
        deployments: [
                helm: [
                    repoType: 'GIT',
                    repoUrl: "https://git-repo/namespace/name",  // git-repo must have a 'main' branch due to limitations of the git-step within jenkins
                    credentialsId: 'creds',
                    version: '1.2.3', // tag, commit or branch
                    chartPath: 'chart', // the path relative to root in the git repo. If the chart is at root level you can ommit this property
                    updateValues: [[fieldPath: "", newValue: imageName]]


Due to limitations in the git-step of Jenkins, we have to clone from a specific branch rather then having the git client checkout the default branch given within the HEADs meta information. This specific branch is the main branch. Make sure the git-repository has a main-branch, else the deployment step will fail. After a successful clone it checks out the given version as expected.

Local Helm Chart

The repoType: LOCAL can be used if you store the helm repository locally, i.e. in the same Git Repository where your Jenkins Job runs from. A common pattern used in this context would be the "Umbrella pattern".

def gitopsConfig = [
        deployments: [
            helm : [
                repoType : 'LOCAL',
                chartPath: 'helm/chart' /* Must be relative to jenkins WORKSPACE */,
                updateValues: [[fieldPath: "", newValue: imageName]]

Conventions for helm deployment

  • Application name is used as the release-name in Flux (not for argo, argo creates plain resources using helm template)

    Helm Release name = ${application}

  • Extra k8s resources can also be deployed if you choose to have a Helm deployment

    extraResources get copied into the GitOps-folder without being changed - can be used e.g. sealed-secrets extraResources are always relative to the ${gitopsConfig.deployments.sourcePath}/${stage}, you can specify files or directories

    e.g. in stage production =>

    copies '/k8s/production/configMap.yaml' and '/k8s/production/secrets' to the GitOps-folder where every k8s resource in ./secrets will be copied to the GitOps-folder

helm template with ArgoCD application

We decided to generate plain k8s Resources from Helm applications before we push it to the GitOps-Repository for the following reasons:

  • With ArgoCD you can only set one source for your application. In case of helm it is common to have a source Repository for your chart and a scource Repository for your configuration files (values.yaml). In order to use two different sources for your helm application you will need some sort of workaround (e.g. Helm dependencies in Chart.yaml).
  • ArgoCD itself uses helm template to apply plain k8s Resources to the cluster. By templating the helm application before pushing to the GitOps-repository, we have the same resources in our repository as in our cluster. Which leads to increased transparency. The parameter k8sVersion from the GitOps-config is used as a parameter with --kube-version in order to template version-specific manifests such as changed api versions.

Folder Structure in destination GitOps-repository

You can customize in which path the final manifests of the application will be created in the GitOps-repository. For this, you can modify the following parameters:

def gitopsConfig = [
    deployments: [
        destinationRootPath: '.' /* Default: '.' */
    folderStructureStrategy: 'GLOBAL_ENV' /* Default: 'GLOBAL_ENV', or ENV_PER_APP */
  • destinationRootPath: Specifies in which subfolder the following folders of folderStructureStrategy are created. Defaults to the root of the repository.
  • folderStructureStrategy: Possible values:
    • GLOBAL_ENV: The manifests will be commited into $DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH/STAGE_NAME/APP_NAME/ in the destination GitOps-repository
    • ENV_PER_APP: The manifests will be commited into $DESTINATION_ROOT_PATH/APP_NAME/STAGE_NAME/ in the destination GitOps-repository

Example for Global Environments vs Environment per App (Source):

Global Envs Env per app

Extra Files

If extra files are needed and are not k8s resources there is the fileConfigMaps property.

def gitopsConfig = [
        fileConfigmaps: [ 
                    name : "index",
                    sourceFilePath : "../index.html", // relative to deployments.sourcePath
                    stage: ["staging", "production"] // these have to match the `gitopsConfig.stages` 

This will generate a k8s ConfigMap with the content of this file as data:

Name:         index
Namespace:    staging                                                                                                                                                                                                                │
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<h2>Hello cloudogu gitops playground!</h2>


The scm-section defines where your 'GitOps-repository' resides (url, provider) and how to access it (credentials):

def gitopsConfig = [
    scm: [
        provider:       'SCMManager',   // This is the name of the scm-provider in use, for a list of supported providers watch below!
        credentialsId:  'scmm-user',    // ID of credentials defined in Jenkins used to authenticated with SCMM
        baseUrl:        'http://scmm-scm-manager/scm',  // this is your gitops base url 
        repositoryUrl:  'fluxv1/gitops' // this is the gitops repo

It currently supports the following scm-provider:

To empower people to participate and encourage the integration of other scm-software (e.g. github), we decided to implement an abstraction for the scm-provider. By extending the SCM-Provider class you can integrate your own provider! Please feel free to contribute!


import com.cloudogu.gitopsbuildlib.scm.SCMProvider

class GitHub extends SCMProvider {
    void setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl }

    void setRepositoryUrl(String repositoryUrl) { this.repositoryUrl = repositoryUrl }

    void setCredentials(String credentialsId) { this.credentials = credentialsId }

    String getRepositoryUrl() { return "${this.baseUrl}/${repositoryUrl}"}

    void createOrUpdatePullRequest(String stageBranch, String mainBranch, String title, String description) {
        // TODO: this is a specific implementation for github
        // 1. creating a pr on the given repo with the given details
        // 2. update a pr on the given repo if it already exists
        // Note: Credentials given are credentialsId from Jenkins!


The library itself provides three validators yamllint, kubeval and helmKubeval to validate the generated resources. You can enable the built-in operators and/or add your own. The operators are processed sequentially in no particular order.

Example: Enable yamllint, kubeval and add a custom validator.

node {
    stage('Deploy') {

        def gitopsConfig = [
            // ...
            validators        : [
                yamllint: [
                    enabled  : enable,
                kubeval: [ 
                    enabled  : enable,
                myVali: [
                    validator: new MyValidator(this),
                    enabled  : true,
                    config   : [
                        some: 'thing'


Each Validator has a property called imageRef and image inside the config property.
imageRef's value defaults to the key in the buildImages property and will replace the key-name with the actual image corresponding to the value.

def gitopsConfig = [
        validators: [
            kubeval: [
                enabled: true,
                config: [
                    imageRef: 'kubeval' // this corresponds to the key/value pair in buildImages which internally will become imageRef: ''

If you wish to change the image, you can do so by changing the image in the corresponding key/value pair in buildImages or by setting the image directly via the image property. First, the library will check if the image property is set and if so, will use its value as the image.

def gitopsConfig = [
        validators: [
            kubeval: [
                enabled: true,
                config: [
                    image: ''

If the image value is not set, it resorts to the imageRef property.

Custom validators

The library offers a convenient base class com.cloudogu.gitops.gitopsbuildlib.Validator. However, this seems impossible to use with neither dynamic library loading via the library() nor with @Library, because the library is loaded after the class is evaluated.
If you need to use library() or @Library then your validator needs to implement the following three methods:

  • void validate(boolean enabled, String targetDirectory, Map config)
  • SourceType[] getSupportedSourceTypes()
  • GitopsTool[] getSupportedGitopsTools()
import com.cloudogu.gitopsbuildlib.deployment.GitopsTool
import com.cloudogu.gitopsbuildlib.deployment.SourceType

class MyValidator extends Validator {

    MyValidator(def script) {

    void validate(boolean enabled, String targetDirectory, Map validatorConfig, Map gitopsConfig) {
        script.echo "Enabled: $enabled; targetDirectory: $targetDirectory; validatorConfig: $validatorConfig; gitopsConfig: $gitopsConfig"

    SourceType[] getSupportedSourceTypes() {
        return [SourceType.HELM, SourceType.PLAIN]

    GitopsTool[] getSupportedGitopsTools() {
        return [GitopsTool.ARGO, GitopsTool.FLUX]

In general a custom validator may implement the Validator class. You therefore have to implement the following methods:

void validate(boolean enabled, String targetDirectory, Map config)

  • Here lies your validation code or the entrypoint for more complex validation processes

SourceType[] getSupportedSourceTypes()

  • This method returns a collection of supported Source Types.
    The SourceType determines which resources are going to be validated. There are two locations where resources can be validated.
    They are differentiated by the resource-type of which there are two right now.
    • Helm resources
    • Plain k8s resources

Visual representation of the folder structure on the Jenkins agent

├── jenkinsworkdir/
   └── .configRepoTempDir/
      └── ${stage}/
         └── ${application}/
            ├── extraResources/
            ├── generatedResources/
            ├── deployment.yaml
            └── ...
   └── .helmChartTempDir/
      └── chart/
         └── ${chartPath}/ (for git repo) or ${chartName}/ (for helm repo)
      └── mergedValues.yaml

Helm resources - .helmChartTempDir:
This location is only temporary and is being used for the helm chart to be downloaded and the mergedValues.file (values-shared.yaml + values-${stage}.yaml) Only Validators which support Helm schemas should operate on this folder

Plain k8s resources - .configRepoTempDir:
This location is for your plain k8s resources. This folder is also the GitOps-folder which will be pushed to the scm. It contains your k8s resources in the root and two extra folders for additional k8s resources: extraResources: Only needed for a Helm deployment if you whish to deploy plain k8s resources in addition to the helm deployment. See: Important note in Namespaces
generatedResources: If you have files which need to be deployed as a configMap. See: Extra Files

GitopsTool[] getSupportedGitopsTools()
This determins on which GitopsTool the validator will run. We implemented this feature since Argo already uses helm template and kubeval internally so we don't need helm kubeval since it does exactly the same. So we defined HelmKubeval as only needed to be executed on a FLUX operator.


Copyright © 2021 - present Cloudogu GmbH

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

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GitOps build-lib© for use with Git™, Argo™, Jenkins® and Kubernetes®

Git™ is an unregistered trademark of Software Freedom Conservancy Inc.
Argo™ is an unregistered trademark of The Linux Foundation®
Jenkins® is a registered trademark of LF Charities Inc.
Kubernetes® and the Kubernetes logo® are registered trademarks of The Linux Foundation®
K8s® is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation®

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Information on the license conditions and - if required by the license - on the source code is available free of charge on request.
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38100 Braunschweig

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Your request must be sent within three years from the date you received the software from Cloudogu that is the subject of your request or, in the case of source code licensed under the AGPL/GPL/LGPL v3, for as long as Cloudogu offers spare parts or customer support for the product, including the components or binaries that are the subject of your request.