This is a demo application for Cloud Spanner SQLAlchemy ORM.
A simple ranking API for gaming use cases.
- Language: Python 3
- Python package and virtualenv tool: Poetry
- Framework: FastAPI
- ORM: SQLAlchemy
- Migration tool: Alembic
- Server: Cloud Run
- DB: Cloud Spanner
- Container registry: Artifact Registry
- CI/CD: GitHub Actions
git clone
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo
poetry install
Set environment variables which are needed for the following steps.
export PROJECT_ID=""
export INSTANCE_ID=""
export DATABASE_ID=""
export SA_NAME=""
export SA_KEY_NAME=""
Create a service account for this demo.
gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SA_NAME}
Assign role to the service account.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} --member "serviceAccount:${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID}" --role "roles/spanner.databaseAdmin"
Download the key file to your local machine.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${SA_KEY_NAME} \
Set your key file location as an environment variable.
Create Cloud Spanner instance and database.
gcloud spanner instances create ${INSTANCE_ID} --config=regional-asia-northeast1 --description="demo" --nodes=1
gcloud spanner databases create ${DATABASE_ID} --instance=${INSTANCE_ID}
DB migration, Alembic uses your service account's credential to access Cloud Spanner.
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo/app
poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"
poetry run alembic upgrade head
Note: The following steps need environment variables which are set at Section 2.
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Note: The following steps need environment variables which are set at Section 2.
Run Cloud Spanner emulator.
docker run -p 9010:9010 -p 9020:9020
Set up Cloud Spanner emulator.
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo/tests
chmod u+x
Set environment variables which are needed for the following steps.
export SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010
export K_SERVICE=spanner-sqlalchemy-demo
export K_REVISION=spanner-sqlalchemy-demo-00001-thx
Run the unit test.
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo/tests
poetry run pytest
Note: The following steps need environment variables which are set at Section 2.
Set an environment variable which are needed for the following steps.
Please make sure that you have a docker image repo at Artifact Registry.
Build a container image.
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo
docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_NAME}/spanner-sqlalchemy-demo:1.0.0 .
Push the image to Artifact Registry
cd spanner-sqlalchemy-demo
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_NAME}/spanner-sqlalchemy-demo:1.0.0
Deploy the container image to Cloud Run.
gcloud run deploy spanner-sqlalchemy-demo \
--image${PROJECT_ID}/${REPOSITORY_NAME}/spanner-sqlalchemy-demo:1.0.0 \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--service-account=${SA_NAME}@${PROJECT_ID} \