- Review-01
- sentence generator (Data driven)
- Language model
- Assignment-01
- design sentences generator
- n-gram language model
- Pattern Match (optional)
- Assignment-01-optional
- Pattern Match & Segment Match (EN)
- chat-robort (CN) -> unfinished
- Review-02
- Transportation route choice (BFS,DFS)
- Boston House Prices (sklearn, linear regression)
- Assignment-02
- The best subway route in Beijing
Linear Regression problem using sklearn.linear_model (random data)
Linear Regression problem using KNN Model
Decision Tree (Loss - Entropy&Gini, choosing BestFeature)
A simple example using K-Means
Decision Tree (input:data, output:decision)
Linear Regression( change loss function)
- Review-04
- build a FCN from scratch
- predict Boston House Prices (i.from scratch ii.keras)
- Assignment-04
- binary classification of digits
- Challenge: multiclass classification of digits
Basics of Tensorflow
CNN based on MNIST(i.keras, ii.Tensorflow)
CNN based on Cifar-10
build a CNN from scratch (Conv layer, Pooling layer)
- Assignment-07
- Generating names with a character-level RNN (see Pytorch tutorials)
- Add more layers in one RNN
- Use nn.LSTM and nn.GRU
- Connect multiple RNNs to form a more complex RNN
- Review-08 -> unfinished
- Transformer
- Assignment-08
- Only questions, no code exercise
- Assignment-09
- Kaggle: What Causes Heart Disease? Explaining the Model
- Random Forest
- XGboost
Assignment-10 -> unfinished
- Build a text classifier if a piece of news is published by the Xinhua news agency
- (Option) Try different machine learning algorithms
- Assignment-11
- Cut Rod Problem
- Edit distance
- Pinyin Auto Correction Problem