For testing cloxp-cljs-repl.
$ git clone
Open cloxp (http://localhost:9001/cloxp.html), start a Clojure server, and load cljs-eval-test project.
(Via a browser or eval the code below)
projectDir: "/path/to/cloxp.cljs-eval-test",
askToLoadNamespaces: false,
setCurrentDir: true,
informBrowsers: true
In a cloxp workspace run:
(require '[rksm.cloxp-cljs-repl.core :as cljs-repl])
(require '[ :as shell])
(require '[cloxp.cljs-eval-test.server
:refer [find-workspace-client start stop-server]])
; compiles cljs + starts cljs-repl server:
; open a web browser (on Mac OS):
(shell/sh "open" "http://localhost:8084/workspace-tester.html")
; try remote eval
(when-let [{id :id} (find-workspace-client)]
"(js/alert \"This was send from the server\")"
{:target-id id}))
; open a ClojureScript workspace via menu bar -> open
; choose the connection to the client and eval stuff in there!