Dotfiles for Hyprland on Arch Linux.
Main feature/style:
- Vim-like keybindings (also a little Emacs styles).
- Sweet theme.
- (TODO)Zsh.
Simply run:
t=~/dotfiles # Or anywhere else you'd like
mkdir -p $t
git clone $t
And follow the instructions of the script
Uninstallation script is NOT provided. See FAQ-Whys.
Basically, login to tty and launch the wrapper script ~/.local/bin/wrp-hyprland
NOTE: You'd better have a look at the script's content and edit it to suit your needs.
If you want this done automatically, you may add the following to the end of your default shell (zsh or bash)'s config file (.zshrc
or .bashrc
if [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ] && [ "${XDG_VTNR}" -eq 1 ]; then
exec ~/.local/bin/wrp-hyprland
to open cheatsheet to see a list of keybinds.
TODO: write cheatsheet in comments in
and use script to generateags/data/keybinds.js
from it
Tilix is one of the terminal, it stores configs in dconf.
Use .local/bin/tilix-dconf
to load/dump the Tilix config stored in dconf from/to the file .config/Tilix.dconf
- The project is largely based on the amazing end-4/dots-hyprland (code name: illogical_impulse), modified to suit my personal tastes.
- I'm a collaborator both of end-4/dots-hyprland and its doc site, where I have reworked the install scripts (including the online setup) and initialized the doc site, and currently maintain them.
- Aylur/AGS-powered.
Here're some hints.
The bar, and the side bars, cheatsheet, etc. belongs to AGS. To debug AGS, you may need to run this in shell:
pkill ags;ags
And see if there're any errors, CRITICALs and WARNINGs.
Also, some common problems are listed in FAQ.
Reference: end-4/dots-hyprland#168
Your player must have mpris support (see supported client here).
If you are using firefox as player, Plasma Integration extension should be installed and enabled for firefox, and the package plasma-browser-integration
should be installed on Arch Linux.
Then, when firefox is playing media, the following command:
dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames|grep mpris
should at least return
string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.plasma-browser-integration"
note that output like string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.firefox.instance_1_37"
does NOT work.
If for some reason, firefox still does not have dbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.plasma-browser-integration
showing up,
consider the following steps:
- Create a new profile using
firefox --ProfileManager
. - Launch firefox with the newprofile and install the Plasma Integration extension again.
- Restart firefox with the new profile and try again.
Note: playerctl -F metadata
may also be helpful for debugging.
When this happens, please use (xWayland) Firefox
, which desktop file is provided in ~/.local/share/applications
for Exec
This is just a workround, which makes Firefox running under xWayland.
pacman -Qo /usr/local/lib/
to check whether this file belongs to any package (very likely not, because it's inside /usr/local
If not, then it's probably safe to just remove it. If you're sure about that, run this:
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/ /tmp/
Delete ./cache/ags
and install it again.
Reference: end-4/dots-hyprland#180 (comment)
You can use gsettings to change the font size, like this:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Rubik 9'
Rubik here is the font name and 9 is the font size in pt (1pt = 1.3333 px)
Stuff should scale according to the font size. Some ags element may need a restart of ags to take effect.
If some elements are wayy too big, then it's possible that css totally not working, see end-4/dots-hyprland#226.
Reference: end-4/dots-hyprland#228
NOTE: You may need to run man date
for time format.
For AGS bar (it's not a dock bar I guess), you should edit ~/.config/ags/widgets/bar/system.js
Find "%H:%M"
there and change it to what you like.
Its format may refer to this page.
The lockscreen is swaylock currently. Edit its config in ~/.config/swaylock/config
to suit your needs.
For time format you need to adjust timestr
Reference: end-4/dots-hyprland#224 (comment)
Click and hold a notification for a while, and its content will be copied.
Reference: end-4/dots-hyprland#220 (comment)
The value will be used as ${city}
for curl${city}?format=j1
By default the value comes from curl
You can also manually set the value by setting the env var $AGS_WEATHER_CITY
Because it's very hard to make a proper uninstallation script, which should revert all changes made by the installation script.
For example, the installation script will install yay
(AUR-helper) for you if you don't have one.
However, what should the uninstallation script do to revert this changes?
Remove yay
or yay-bin
? Not proper, because you may already have one of them installed by yourself (NOT by the installation script).
And, even if the installation script had logged the package list installed by the script, it's still not proper to remove yay
or yay-bin
when the log showed yay
or yay-bin
is installed by the script, because you may have other programs using yay
and this removal will break their functions.
In conclusion, it's nearly not possible to write a proper uninstallation script. You'd better make reverted changes manually as you need.
Wait, it might still be partly possible by creating a PKGBUILD and make the dotfiles as a package for pacman... Maybe implement this some other day.