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BWF and WAV File Reader for Node.JS

A lightweight module that parses WAV or BWF information data from a wav file into a Javascript Object. Basically retrieves file and header meta data information from a WAV or BWF file.

Used for:

  • Determining the validity of a .wav or .bwf file
  • Detecting the bit depth / bit rate / bits per sample of a .wav or .bwf file
  • Detecting the Sample Rate of a .wav or .bwf file
  • Detecting the number of channels in a .wav or .bwf file
  • Retrieving the file information, including file size, created date etc


npm install node-bwf-wav-file-reader --save
# or
yarn install node-bwf-wav-file-reader

Node Synchronous

const { read: readBwf } = require('node-bwf-wav-file-reader');

readBwf('./__tests__/audio.bwf', function (err, info) {
  if (err) console.error(err, info);
  else console.log(info);

Node Asynchronous

const { readSync: readSyncBwf } = require('node-bwf-wav-file-reader');

(async () => {
  const info = await readSyncBwf('./__tests__/audio.bwf');

Typescript Synchronous

import * as bwfWavFileReader from 'node-bwf-wav-file-reader';'./__tests__/audio.bwf', function (err, info) {
  if (err) console.error(err, info);
  else console.log(info);

Typescript Asynchronous

import * as bwfWavFileReader from 'node-bwf-wav-file-reader';

(async () => {
  const info = await bwfWavFileReader.readSync('./__tests__/audio.bwf');



{ duration: 27.391986111111112,
   { chunkId: 'RIFF',
     chunkSize: 15777784,
     format: 'WAVE',
     subChunkFormatId: 'fmt ',
     subChunkFormatSize: 16,
     audioFormat: 1,
     numChannels: 2,
     sampleRate: 96000,
     byteRate: 576000,
     blockAlign: 6,
     bitsPerSample: 24,
     subChunkListId: 'LIST',
     subChunkListSize: 148,
     subChunkInfoId: 'INFO',
     subChunkInamId: 'INAM',
     subChunkInamSize: 64,
     subChunkInamData: 'mySession',
     subChunkIsftId: 'ISFT',
     subChunkIsftSize: 32,
     subChunkIsftData: 'myDevice',
     subChunkIartId: 'IART',
     subChunkIartSize: 24,
     subChunkIartData: '0000CC089DC40A2',
     subChunkBextId: 'bext',
     subChunkBextSize: 668,
     Description: 'mySession|0000CC089DC40A24|400',
     Originator: 'myDevice',
     OriginatorReference: 'CNCMECC089DC40A24155730911358306',
     OriginationDate: '2019-03-22',
     OriginationTime: '15:57:30',
     TimeReferenceLow: 3281795072,
     TimeReferenceHigh: 0,
     Version: 2,
     UMID: '',
     LoudnessValue: 0,
     LoudnessRange: 0,
     MaxTruePeakLevel: 0,
     MaxMomentaryLoudness: 0,
     MaxShortTermLoudness: 0 },
   Stats {
     dev: 16777220,
     mode: 33188,
     nlink: 1,
     uid: 501,
     gid: 20,
     rdev: 0,
     blksize: 4096,
     ino: 8644128473,
     size: 15777792,
     blocks: 30816,
     atimeMs: 1554189495295.2056,
     mtimeMs: 1553863606437.2336,
     ctimeMs: 1554189504022.6528,
     birthtimeMs: 1553863606313.1821,
     atime: 2019-04-02T07:18:15.295Z,
     mtime: 2019-03-29T12:46:46.437Z,
     ctime: 2019-04-02T07:18:24.023Z,
     birthtime: 2019-03-29T12:46:46.313Z } }

Duration is in seconds. Stats comes from Node raw fs.statSync() result.


if err is not null, the WAV file is valid.

{ error: true,
   [ 'Expected "RIFF" string at 0',
     'Expected "WAVE" string at 4',
     'Expected "fmt " string at 8',
     'Unknwon format: 25711',
     'chunk_size does not match file size' ] }

Command line usage

From the command line you can run:

node bwfr.js ./__tests__/audio.bwf


  • need to support different version of BWF to display correctly the coding history



  • reach me :-)
  • Or submit a PR
npm test
npm version patch
npm publish

Who am I

Martin RATINAUD FullStack Developer, creator of

  • Staking Crypto - A free tool to compare staking crypto rates upon crypto exchanges
  • Headlinker - A community of Headhunters
  • Remote Family - A free tool to find your sweet spot on earth based on your passions

Find me on LinkedIn


Lightweight Node.js BWF and WAV file reader







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