Easily substitute t2.nano for any other instance type.
Ideal base layer for creating deployment instances with Distelli.
cloud-config / cloud-init template integration with Terraform for headless configuration of Distelli agent on your instances
ability to bootstrap agent onto instances than are behind NAT
instances are created in standalone, project based, VPC and subnet
single or multi-region instance creation via terraform variables file and count
scalable to N instances (limit is defined by your AWS account limits)
in-project ssh key to access instances with the operator's system ssh-agent (optional)
locked down security group: tcp/22,80,443 are the only open public facing ports
Ubuntu 16.04, us-west-2, HVM, SSD instance by default
cd tf-nano
change your EC2 instance type, AMI, or region as desired in
file using the example file as basis. Input your AWS API credentials in the file. Note that this file name is in.gitignore
create an ssh key using the following format:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -P '' -f files/cmosetick-terraform -C 'tfnano@demo'
add the new key to the operator's ssh agent session:
ssh-add files/cmosetick-terraform ; ssh-add -l
If you change the name of your key, make sure you add a line to.gitignore
with the name -
terraform plan
terraform apply
- If you select an AMI that does not have
package installed, your instances will be created, but you will not have an agent installed from the included cloud-config template. Most distros today include cloud-init.