These scripts use the L1Ntuple framework, which should be set up as described here:
After setting up the L1Ntuple environment, issue the following:
git clone HcalTrigger/Validation
Scripts for HCAL radiation damage correction validation.
The script that submit CRAB jobs is called
. Its required arguments are a good run lumimask, a dataset name, the new HcalL1TriggerObjects tag, and the storage site for the output. For example:
./ -l lumimask_302472.json -d /ZeroBias/Run2017D-v1/RAW -t HcalL1TriggerObjects_2017Plan1_v13.0 -o T2_CH_CERN
Follow this twiki on how to use the Rates scripts:
Towards a new L1 seed to trigger on LLP signatures with HCAL using H/E + depth
Start with L1Ntuple framework, and setup the L1T environment as here:
In 11_0_X:
#git cms-merge-topic --unsafe georgia14:upgradeHcalTPs-l1t-110X
#git cms-merge-topic --unsafe lwang046:upgradeHcalTPs-timeingbit-106X
git cms-merge-topic --unsafe lwang046:upgradeHcalTPs-timeingbit-110X
git clone HcalTrigger/Validation
Example of energy depth profiles of HCAL TPs is shown here:
H/E on L1Jets can be applied as here: