Node Ownership (node_ownership)
1. reserve Playername "Sandbox" and protect it with a password.
1. Change ServerAdmin name in settings.lua if you want [optional]
1. put init.lua and settings.lua into /minetest/games/minetest_game/mods/node_ownership/
2. restart server
NOTE: If you use a command which needs <PlayerName> as Parameter, the Player you address needs to be online at the moment. Otherwise the command wont work.
This does not apply to the Player named "Sandbox".
Set Owner:
As a Player with the "privs" privilege you (Grantor) can use this command to grant a concession to a Player (Concessionaire).
Remember: Every Owner (Concessionaire) has the right to grant subconcessions for his concessionary area using Add Owner.
Syntax: /set_owner <PlayerName> <pos1.x>,<pos1.y>,<pos1.z> <pos2.x>,<pos2.y>,<pos2.z>
Parameters: <PlayerName> = Player's Name (Concessionaire)
<pos1.x>..<pos2.z> = Position of two points in the world describing a cuboid
Example: /set_owner JohnDoe -100,-100,-100 100,100,100
Add Owner:
As a Player with a granted concession (Concessionaire), you can give out subconcessions to other Players (Subconcessionaires).
Syntax: /add_owner <PlayerName> <pos1.x>,<pos1.y>,<pos1.z> <pos2.x>,<pos2.y>,<pos2.z>
Parameters: <PlayerName> = Player's Name (Subconcessionaire)
<pos1.x>..<pos2.z> = Position of two points in the cuboid of the concession describing a smaller or equal cuboid (unstrict subset)
Example: /add_owner SamDoe -100,-100,-100 100,100,100
List Areas:
As a Player with the "privs" privilege (Grantor) you can list all areas describing all current concessions and subconcessions.
As a Player with a concession (Concessionaire) you can list only your areas.
The Area Number which is shown is required to delete a concession.
For each tuple of (cuboid,playername) there is one area identifier.
Syntax: /list_areas
Remove Areas:
To remove a concession belonging to a Player (Concessionaire/Subconcessionaire) you need the AreaID from the List Areas command.
Syntax: /remove_areas <areaID>
Parameters: <areaID> = Area Identifier from the List Areas command.
Example: /remove_areas 1
Change Area Owner:
To change a Players (Concessionaire) concession you can use the Change Area Owner command.
You need the AreaID from List Areas and the Playername of the new concessionaire.
Syntax: /change_area_owner <areaID> <PlayerName>
Parameters: <areaID> = Area Identifier from the List Areas command.
<PlayerName> = Player's Name of the new Concessionaire
Example: /change_area_owner 1 FooDoe
Sandbox Concession:
A Sandbox concession is a concession where everyone with interact privilege can dig or place.
To grant a Sandbox concession you have to set an owner to the Player named "Sandbox".
It also works for subconcessions using add owner.