- Time Complexity and Space complexities
- Queue using array- Code
- Queue Generic - Code
- Implement Stack - Code
- Implement Stack Generic - Code
- Implement Queue Using Stack - Code
- Implement Stack Using 2 Queue - Code
- Implement Stack Using 1 Queue - Answer
- Reverse last N elements in Stack - Answer
- Circular queue - To Do
- J-Unit test cases
- Reverse a Linked List - Code
- Using stack
- Using only Pointers
- Merge 2 Sorted Linked List
- Doubly Linked List - Code
- Using array to allocate memory for all nodes of a Linked list
- Recursion - Code
- Divide without using '/'
- Multiply Without using '*'
- Find Reminder without using '%'
- Find factorial
- Tree - Code
- Printing in Inorder - Using Recursion
- Printing in Preorder - Using Recursion
- Printing in Postorder - Using Recursion
- Printing in Inorder - Iterative
- Printing in Preorder - Iterative
- Printing in Postorder - Iterative
- Count frequency of Node in a binary tree
Binary Search Tree - Code
- Insert
- Mirror of tree / Inversion of tree
- Search and delete in BST
- Count no. of a leaf node in BST
- Lever order printing
- Height of Tree - using recursion
- Height of tree - without recursion
Build a tree having unique values with
- Inorder and Preorder traversal
- Inorder and Postorder traversal
find the smallest element in a binary search tree - Code
find the largest element in a binary search tree. - Code
- AVL Tree - Code
- Insert in AVL
- Delete in AVL
- Advance tree printing
- Red Black tree
- Trie
- B Tree
- B+ Tree
- Find a element in a sorted array that is rotated by K elements
- Bubble sort - code
- Selection sort - code
- Insertion sort - code
- Linear Search - code
- Binary Search - code