Intro to the PIC 16F1825:
The PIC 16F1825 is a very low-cost 8-bit microcontroller with a good amount of RAM, NAND, and even some EEPROM. Additionally if you use the low-power version, the 16LF1825, it consumes almost no power during sleep. It features a highly-configurable internal oscillator which allows you to bring the clock level down to conserve power as well.
This demo is designed to blink 2 LEDs alternately.
The LEDs positive leads should be connected to the following pins (Don't forget to hook up a resistor inline!)
RC0: (Starts in off position)
RC1: (Starts in on position)
I created this demo using the free versions of the following tools:
- Microchip MPLAB X (v1.95)
- Microchip XC8 Compiler (v1.21)
- MPLAB Code Configurator (installed as plugin within MPLAB X)
You will need to download and install these tools appropriately before you can open this project and build it.
Also, I use the Microchip MPLAB ICD3 In-Circuit Debugger to program the chip and debug it. I have tried line-by-line debugging and it works in this configuration. If you use a different compatible debugger, it should work just fine as well.